ohh my group
Sorry because i'am late post this blog...SORRY..SORRY..
Emm this week we thankful for Mr. Fakhzan because you help our group to complete and give a good idea for our drama..
Thanks a lot..
Our new drama is very wonderful and excited than older drama because it also from your idea and i'm so appreciated with this..
And i am so proud with zul and the gang with their ability and responsibility..
Sorry sir library already close so i have to go now..
In memory of my late grandfather, “Paknek”.

He’s the one who brought me to the barbershop and old town of Sri Aman to get my dream toys when I was small. When I went back to ‘kampung’, he always bought me a great ‘kuih’ and local cuisines for my breakfast. With his old bicycle, he left the house early in the morning in his favourite white pants and cotton shirt. Those pictures still in my mind untill now. I tried hard to forget it and to let it go, but couldn’t at all. He once said to me, ‘Whoever you will become one day, never forget your root and always being humble. There will some people will hurt you and try to push you down, but you have to keep in faith and never look back. Always believe that God will be with you and shines you the light in the end of the dark way.’ Till now, I still remember what he said to me long time ago. People always say that, when we lost someone you will need time to heal even recover from the pain. Yet, I’m not agree with that. It become harder for me and tougher for me to get rid all of those memories.
My late grandfather had taught me, never look messy and old-fashioned even though you are not in a good condition or facing a problem. Never let people know what you feel and have inside, and never show the gloom and sorrow that you are facing off. He also mentioned, try to look good and do not let your problem take over your day and life. Life is so short. There is still a way to find a brighter side. He had advised me to dress up nicely and know how to pick a good cloth. Throughout my observation, when I looked the way he dressed up, I knew I should take a good lesson from him. With a good quality of leather shoes, imported watches, well-tailored pants and shirts, a fresh and nice scent of fragrances, it taught how important to look nice and take care of ourselves. It’s all about personality, self-confidence and a good impression. I never forget how angry he was at me, when he found out I didn’t wear ‘samping’ for Raya pray last few years. He stressed out to appreciate our heritage tradition moreover our culture. Till now, I kept his principles in my personal thought. One thing I realized, he never raised his voice to me and my sister but not to my other cousins. According to our relatives and his friends, he was a very strict and fierce man when he was young. He was been known as a helpful man and perfectionist leader. Now I know, where did I inherence it from. He loved to read newspapers, journal and books. His passion was politics issues and had a good relation even connection with lots of Sarawak’s ministers and politicians. Some of them are his good friends and relatives. I can see his interest in politics when he discussed the matter with his good friends. He was so enthusiasm with it. He always encouraged me and my sister to read a lots and never give up in pursuing our study to higher level. I won’t forget it, never.
Few days after the funeral, I went to his house. Opened his closet, I looked at his collection of wardrobes, made me wonder how well he managed to take care of all his belongings. But, what made me cried on that day, I saw a new ‘ baju melayu’ that still hang in the cupboard. I remembered, the sky blue satin cloth was given by me just before he fall sick. He said he will wear it for this year coming Raya eve. It seems he couldn’t make it for this time. Every ‘raya’ morning, he always to wake me up and get ready to go to the mosque. Without I realized, I sat on the floor next to his bed and cried like a baby. I felt so sorry for him, so sad and devastated. Now, I know how much I miss him and need him to be with us again. He put nicely all the shirts and pants that I bought for him. Even the sandals that I gave to him for last ‘Raya’, he kept it well in his cupboard. I touched it and made me felt that he’s still around. When I cleaned up his bedroom, I found a picture of me and my sister with him and our late grandmother. I showed it to my sister, then, we cried together. We felt that how much he loved both of us and missed us while we were away from him. I’m so appreciated with all his love, care, concern and thought to us. Before he died, he kept calling my name and did not want to be apart from my sister. That was make me feel more so down and frustrated for not making to meet him at his last moment. We been informed by the elders, that he’s not that well and not living that long, but I never expected this happened so soon.
This thing happened few years back, when I told him that I’ve been posted to Bintulu to work as a teacher. At first, he wasn’t that agree so did my parents as well. I still remember, before I left to Bintulu, he always dropped by to our new house and reminded me to take care of myself even he taught me few ‘doa’ in order to protect myself. I knew, he just worried because I will being away again from my family. The day I left, again, he bought me some ‘kuih’ for my breakfast and asked me to eat it. How grateful and touched I felt that time. But now, it’s gone and never happen again. Every time, when I back to Bintulu, early in the morning he will come to our house and walked me to my car. As usual, before I begin my way back to Bintulu, he said to drive safely and take a rest if I got tired of a long journey driving. Now, I will not see it again even I will miss all those things. Of course I will feel empty and searching for him for no reason. Maybe I get used to be around with him, but now he’s gone and leaving us forever. His memories still with us, with his spirit we try to move on our life, no matter how hard it is. As he said before he closed his eyes, “Orang yang tidak mengenang jangan dikenang, walaupun setiap masa kita mengenang”. Till now, we still try to figure out what he meant. My mom told me, while he said that, his tears dropped by and deeply looked at my mother. I’m sure, he had something that he had kept for such a long time. Let it go with his soul and memory. With my pray, I hope he will be fine and live peacefully up there. How hard I try to adapt living without him, I’m sure he must be around us even I couldn’t see him. I can feel his presence and his spirit with me.
To my dear family and friends, take this a good lesson for us. Appreciate what we have and never push away our family. Once they are gone, we couldn’t return them back to us. Even though I didn’t have any critical issues with my late grandfather, I just didn’t spend so much time with him. I know, he had such a hard life before even since he was kid but he never showed it to us. How strong he was and brave man he became. I will always love you ‘Paknek’ and of course I will always miss you as how I feel the same way with ‘Maknek’. May Allah bless both of you…Amin.
Fortnight, fatiguing-exhausting!!
- On friday, i've been chosen as publicity chief for football club, cocuricular activitiy. I've to manage a forms and commercial sign for this task. Until 3/08/08, our coach cancelled the activity because the starting school was started for freshies.
- Monday, 4/08/08- test week was started.. Tamadun Islam and tamadun Asia having a quiz.. I've fever and pening-pening head/ "Huge headache". I missed english class, missed all the exercises given by MR. Fakhzan.
- Tuesday, 5/08/08- We have drama conference at room17, social sciences department. We discussed about t-shirt logo and colour-prop setting.. Farouq, director and others director= having a meeting with english lecturer. Then, about 210pm, we got a problem about the drama because the fairy tale drama is very risky, "farouq". We changed the scenario of the drama.
- Wednesday, 6/08/08- SKP2204 held a quiz. It quite difficult because I didn't revised notes for ethnic relations. At 1100-1415- we managed to do a new tale, we praticed at auditorium room.
- Now, Iam typing for the blog.. hehe. Bye
"Challenges As A Production Team
Yesterday, the director announced that the things that we had planned before had been cancelled because we all had decided to make a new story.We all feel so tired yesterday.I only have a day to list up the materials needed for the setting of the stage before submit it in this evening.Stephanie and Shantini busy to re-type the new script and they have to submit the script this week.I can't imagine how busy they are only 3 days to re-type a new drama script.While Emma has to choose new music background for the new story.
I'm so pity to our class leader, Zul because he too depressed and worried about the drama till he got migrain yesterday.But this is the challenges that we have to face as a team production.
From this challenges, I can see that everyone put their all effort and give their full commitments.
Last but not least, THAK YOU VERY MUCH to MR. FAKHZAN because you always support us eventhough we have to begin all the things from the start.
what a great team~
okay freinds...erm...for this moment i have 2 stories to tell and share with u all....erm...sad and HAPPY!!!!let me tell u the sad one first k..?
alright...on tuesday..as usual we were having a short meeting based on our props and costume...we discussed the props and the costume for our story made by zul "believe".everything went so smoothly and all the suggestions of props and costumes made by the chosen person were fully agreed by each of us...we were all satisfied and happy because we did very well in what we have planned in the previous week...then...( 1 message received-alya )."emma, ask our group members to stay and wait for farouq and i..there's something important i should have to tell u all immediately...kindly hope for your cooperation,ok..."
then, after waited for about 15 minutes...alya and farouq came into the meeting room rushingly..huhuuu....alya tried to make farouq calm..they are really suit to be a partner in our group because they have opposite attitude after all...alya told us about what they have discussed during the meeting of directors with mr.Fakhzan...and honestly, i felt so depressed and quite worry to hear that only 5 groups will be chosen to the semi final in the festival. immediately we arranged a meeting at that night...so,santhini, stephanie,alya, zulhelmi, farouq, mustaqim, mimi and i planned to meet at the kk1...so..we determined to change the whole story line and change the story from the fairy tale to the actual story...we finished discuss at about 1 a.m.
wednesday~yeah...a happy day for me..opppsss...mistake...for all of us actually..hehhehhee...ermmmmwe did the drama practise in the auditorium room...first..i told briefly to my group's members about the new storyline and they looked satisfied...huhhh...relieved a bit...hahhahha...then, alya asked each department to discuss about the new props and new costumes...meanwhile....steph and santhini did or conduct the script test to choose the best person to hold the main cast..
'excuse me...go...i want to sit in the middle..."-guess who said this????hahahahaha...of course u all know...right???then...only i realized sir was inthat room which i didn't know for how long sir have been in that room...=)
after that...santhini told sir briefly about our new drama...and from his face i really do hope he will say a positive comments..and that's it!!he likes our story...fuuuhhh again!!!ahhhahah...he also did give us some ideas and also picked the suitable person to be the cast then..all of us really happy...
huhh....it's a long comment i think~ so,that's it for nw..ok?daa~
see u in the next comment k...love u all guys...mmmmuuuaaahhh~
Hm.... My head... Migrain!
script oh script...
this morning
Like common we got meeting on tuesday,last tuesday we discuss about our Tshirt production..
Yesterday we dicide change our drama story..we think we get risky if we use fairy story..The probabily go to final is less,so we start all again..we also have done sreen test and something happen in my sreen test yesterday..it make all of my friend laugh..hahahaha..when I think again it so funny..hehe
whatever I think it can be my sweet memory in this semester..
Director,assistance director and scripwriter is work hard to produce the new drama..
kolej will do Uniputra Sport carnival on 17-23 august 2008..it will be fun..I love it and I miss sport carnival..
Okey I think0 that all for this week..it very short..heehee..
SALAM...see you next week..daa..
many of things happen this week,not to me only but this situation only can feel to all my lovely friends especially in group one.Sir Fakhzan maybe feel it.
We are in group one ...
Work hard to do all together ...
Althought our scrip rejected ...
BUT ...................
Zul always smile althought he was magrain with this situation.
Farouk still make jokes to all althought he was very stress.
ALeya,Emma, and all my friends still strong to WIN.
TO BE THE WINNER!!! (Insyaallah).
Sir Fakhzan many more help ours in group one.
Gave advice and help ours to more confident.
TO BE THE WINNER!!! (Insyaallah).
I know I am very quite in 'BILIK KULIAH'.
BUT ....................
I'm not only quite,but in my mind i'm always think something that everyone dont know.
Only me know ...
Hey ya!!we meet again guys!!...
Hmmm....well looks like this is the fifth week for all of us have been here.Ok,now I want to share the story of what else if not about the drama task.So far,I think everyone in this group that involve in this drama feel the tense right?!Huhu...this is because our drama have some problem about the script and the story line...and easy to say is the whole of our drama have to cancelled and looks like we have to create a new one.The problem is our original story is mostly about the fairy tale which is unlogistic and unreality in the real life...and also absolutely not full fill the judges's request.
BUT....it doesn't matter guys!!
What I want to say right now is BE STRONG AND DON'T GIVE UP!!!
I believe WE CAN DO IT!!
Like what Zul (our stage director) said, THERE CAN BE MIRACLE, WHEN YOU BELIEVE...hahahaha
Ok guys, I think that's all right now..CHAIYOK2!!!!
good morning..
a lot of things happen this week. first, this week mr. fakhzan look chearful and always smile, talk funny thing...i love his smile....
'DonT wORry bE haPpY!!'
althought alot of wook this week but its oK when think about lovely things.
i was excitted doing listening practice at this room... at matriculation lecture give us listen a song and we need to write the lyrics..
WESTLIFE-SEASON IN THE SUN what a nice sing..the meaning of the sing was touching...
it was funny when do the test because what we write is not the same wiht the lyric, from that moment i love english song!!
yesterday, mr fakhzan said our drama can't be use for the drama presentation. we need to expand the story and a lot of correction need to do..so we just make a new drama story.
...take the FISRT step...
BUT! the story is more good la from the fisrt one. a lot of conflicks in the story, so it is difficult to understand.i don't understand the story, it is so completcated.but i love the story where hero die at the end of the story.... all the best group 1

i know in order to acchive a high standard drama,and quality,a lot of sacrifices must be done......that is some of the adventure in our production team.....at wednesday...we supposed have our drama practise,but i must used that time to meet my department crew and re a do our props and costumed design......but what i can said you all are the best....really happy doing businnes with you all.....really proud with your commitment........
halooo~~~ X) X) X)
Week 5...
On the week 5 (6th/August/2008)..About our drama presentation,we`ll face a lil bit of problem which is we need to change everything that we had made before.
After disscuss to the each other,we`ve got solution for this problem.
Some of us share and disscuss to the each other to produce the new script for our drama..On the next day,we practise our screen test to select the main charecter,which is hero and heroin for our drama production...GOOD LUCK!! to teentitans production.. : )
There`s some info that i`m going to to share with all of u..
About our health that is very useful in our daily life~~
S A L T.......
OK.Too much sodium is bad for us-water retension,high blood pressure,acid refluxes and kidney stone come to mind.but your body need some salt to keep fluids in your body in check,transmit nerve impulses and regulate contraction and relaxation of muscles...
OK.See u next week
oh drama..!!
Ok so this is how it goes..
Firstly i and farouq with other courses directors and assistant director and Mr.Fakhzan had a meeting about the drama competition which had change to drama festival. Most of us were quite stress about the meeting as a lot of changes had been done but we took it as a challenge and encourage ourselves to be in the top5..
Secondly was about our script. We had to do it all over again. We had a few ideas but came up with 1 that we think is quite intresting as it is about "Perpaduan". I would like to take this opportunity to thank stephanie, shantini, emma, akma, zul, mimi, mus, farouq and others who stayed up half of the night discussing the script together at kk1. Yesterday as we had our drama meeting we discuss about our t-shirt production and props and costume to fit for our new script .
Script reading was also done to choose our characters. As we were practicing, Mr.Fakhzan came and gave us some pointers about our script in how to expand it and stuff. Mr.Fakhzan was satisfied with our new script as he said its storyline was more stronger but we still needed to editit. It was delightful to see Mr.fakhzan and some of our team members giving out more ideas in expanding and making our script more intresting. Only yesterday i knew we had to actually do some excercise before practicing to loosen up our vocal chords and nerves. All of us was happy that Mr.Fakhzan had give us some pointers and was satisfied with our new script. And yes we owe Mr.Fakhzan big time..!!
So thats all since i cant think anymore but what i would like to say is that we have not much time to do our drama so we have to really work hard and give full commitment to each other and please if anyone has difficulties or problem do tell me or farouq ok this is because we do not want anyone to be burden or fall sick in this proses of the drama festival..
thanks and good day..
take care..!!
what happened...???
this week was really stressful for everyone..our scipt had to edit because Mr. fakhzan said it rather not to take the risk of doing the fairy story..so we decided to change the story line of our drama..there are a lot of things to do..besides, we don't have enough time to do the script..=(
yesterday, we had a meeting in auditorium room, Santhini and Stephanie explained briefly to our production about our new script...we did the screen test to find the best actors and actresses which suit the story..thanks to mr. fakhzan because he helped us a lot..!!
i hope that evryone will stick together and work as a team..see ya!!!
Hm... Oh script...
salam sejahtera...
aiii,,,,i'm back to see you all again...
This week I think it's fine,,,not bad...Oo
On Tuesday came late to the meeting cause i have something important.huhuhuhu..but i have already get permission from my secreatery because that's day our directer and assistand directer have a meeting about the script with mr.fakhzan.
After,they finish the meeting with mr.fakhzan they told us about our script is "nyawa-nyawa ikan" if we proceed that story..Mr.fakhzan not say no but he don't want we change about the story we want the story is real and fact...Our story to tell about fairy just imagination what's mr.fakhzan said..
A few of all us want to proceed but it's have high risk...I'm very confuse,,,For me whatever happen we must have teamwork to see that's story is real...
At night we have a urgent meeting.I also came for this meeting.That's night only Zul,Ema.farouq,shantini,akma,stephani,mus and me.We start at 9 p.m untill 12.00 a.m.fuhhhh...Lastly we have got idea for new story.The story is advance from the fairy story.The idea is same with the fairy story...
So,our team get a new story.So,we must coprate because we don't have time.That's all
The word 'TSUNAMI' that I mean is about the script.Because Farouk tell us that if we use the fairy story,the risk to lose is hight,that mean before this we practicable drama script that have hight risk to lose...!
Actualy..,although at that time we all feel fearful,but after that,on wednesday,during drama meeting,it was okey and fine.I say that because after we create new script,I think the new script is more interesting than before.So what I hope in this new script is my group can get better drama performance.That all for this week blog.good bye......=]
Exam week~~
Next , is about the "Program Buku Hijau"...My lovely maizes finally grow after a week...I want to upload the pictures but i forgot to bring the USB cable...May be next time...I really felt a great achievement when the crops grow...Hope that my maizes can continue to grow healthly...Haha...
This week are really stressful for the exam...Really feel that i will go mad and insane...But i will try my best to have a good result in my exam...My first exam in UPMKB...
wat a sudden change!!!
as everyone know its a sudden change for our script line.we change the 1st script because of the existence of fairy tale that is not actually exist in a real world.it really give a big pressure to all of the crew.just in one day we need to redo the script from the beginning.we held a meeting on Tuesday and think again of a new story line.i would like to mention the person who are asked to attend the meeting by our assistant director,Alia who are Zulhilmi,Stephanie,Akma,Mustakim,Hikmah Asyikin,Shamimi,me and also our director Farouq.i like to give a big thanks to all of them because they attend the meeting until 12.10am at KK1 and then went back to their room to do revision for the quiz 'hubungan etnik' the following morning and some do the script also.thanks a lot guys for the great team work shown by all of you...its really fun to work with you all.what i did after the meeting is i go back to my room and do the dialogue of scene 1 that is very hard to elaborate actually.may be it seems too hard because i am so tired and lack of idea even though we just had discuss it.i keep awake until 3am and wake up back at 5am to revise for my quiz.its really very very very tiring...some more Zulhilmi asked me to do scene 4 & 5 that actually he should do because of his migraine attack and i think it is really very serious because the next morning he did not enter the class even though got the quiz.i am really sorry for him because he really work very hard for this team until he fall sick.i think everyone should thank him also for everything he had provided us without expecting anything in return from any of us.sorry again to Zul because i am unable to do the scenes you asked me to do cos of the lack of time.and i guess this is what had happened after the meeting...i don't want to explain what happened during the meeting because i know any of the attenders may have wrote it and it will be an essay if i write all that.on Wednesday,it is our drama practise time and we tell the rest about our new story and the reason we change it because many do not know what had happened actually.we give a short briefing to the rest and straight away chose the character involved and the props and also setting with the help of mr.fakhzan.thanks a lot Mr.Fakhzan for your help even though in some way we got hurt you before...really sorry for it and we will never repeat it again...and to all the crew...thanks a lot guys for our unity!!!take care and have a nice day...
hi guys, it's me again, azrin..
this week, we have a big problem, i don't know who or what caused the problem.. all i know is our team could manage the problem, eventhough it's quite exhausted.. our team have to make a new drama story.. our scriptwriter have to make a new script, prop department have to make a new plan and many more.. i think the new plan is better than the last one.. every single person in group 1 cooperate very well.. that's all from me.. i hope mr. fakhzan and all my friends have a nice weekend..
thank you..
u-turn and back again
Proceeding to the drama meeting and practice, Farouq and Alia explained what happened during the directors meeting, had briefing or the new script and screen test. Then Mr. Fakhzan came in to see how things were going. And gave us a lot, i mean, a LOT of pointers! Felt like a light suddenly filled the dark room we were in :D. So thank you Mr. Fakhzan! Your right, we do owe you a lot. Dinner's on us if we win :P.