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on Friday, August 15, 2008
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hai everybody...sorry for the late posting.yesterday,i got headache and i cannot wake up in the morning.thats why i didnt come for the posting day.i would like to talk about all the things happen this week,that is from monday to wednesday for english.we had public speaking on monday and guess what...hmmm....i cannot speak at all.i felt so nervous and i am shivering in front of the stage.i really really really cannot talk and the speech that i prepared throughout the morning from 1am to 5am all wasted.i dunt know how that things can happen.may be one of the reason is because i am so buzy preparing till i didnt sleep and straight away come to the class without rest.wuahhh....what a bad day for me...on tuesday,we had our group meeting to discuss about the drama.the new script in given and briefed by aliya.the script is written by stephanie.pity her because he really had a tough time to finish the script within 3days.somemore she also had to prepare for the 1st test this week.i dont think that she gets enough sleep this week.on wednesday as usuall we had our drama practise in auditorium.we repeat the script twice to ensure the flow is good and that everyone can know when they have to perform.everyone perform very well especially naim.i think he is the best actor.alia still need to improve and overcome her shyness.she still not serious in acting.others all i think okey because everybody show their best in acting.we just finished the drama with simple discussion about prop and settings,lighting and music.and one more thing...i am the new music director.i work with shamimi and i hope i can give the best to this team...
Starting school is very fun....
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on Thursday, August 14, 2008
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To all my friends and sir Fakzan..
First, i want to apologies with sir Fakzan because i make you very angry and disappointed with me..
Sorry sir..
Sorry sir..
I know this my false but i will make sure i don't do like that again..
Actually, i'm really stress with something that personal but i will make sure this thing not disturd my study..huhu
Sir mybe i'm not best student but i will try to be a best student..
And i hope you will help me as you can..
But i know you try the best to help us in this subject..
Thanks a lot..
About the starting school, i'm really fell so fun and excited in this program..
Moreover, my fasilitator is sir Fakhzan..
You are really so cool..
From there i will get many advantage like it make me dicipline, helpful and can improved a lot of my weakness..
Beside that, i also learning about ENGLISH is NOT FEAR..
So, i know that english is very fun and excited to all..
I also get a lot of confidence from there..
But i will try to make i more confidence with everything..
Ok, i thinks i should stop this comment now..
See you next week..
To all my friends and sir Fakzan..
First, i want to apologies with sir Fakzan because i make you very angry and disappointed with me..
Sorry sir..
Sorry sir..
I know this my false but i will make sure i don't do like that again..
Actually, i'm really stress with something that personal but i will make sure this thing not disturd my study..huhu
Sir mybe i'm not best student but i will try to be a best student..
And i hope you will help me as you can..
But i know you try the best to help us in this subject..
Thanks a lot..
About the starting school, i'm really fell so fun and excited in this program..
Moreover, my fasilitator is sir Fakhzan..
You are really so cool..
From there i will get many advantage like it make me dicipline, helpful and can improved a lot of my weakness..
Beside that, i also learning about ENGLISH is NOT FEAR..
So, i know that english is very fun and excited to all..
I also get a lot of confidence from there..
But i will try to make i more confidence with everything..
Ok, i thinks i should stop this comment now..
See you next week..
this morning
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hello.......... everybody .Assalamualaikum and good morning
Today , i am sorry because i late and this day i have a story about what happen this week . Actually i dont like give any comment about our group.Ok ..... this week every body need speaking in english because my class held public speaking and everyone give mark. i know i no very good in speaking and i hope encik Fakhzan understand about me . Happly , yesterday our group get new scrip and the story very good and more interested . Our group discuss about design t-shirt and begin occur practicel very succes. Last i hope this story can get attention from any people .Thank you
Today , i am sorry because i late and this day i have a story about what happen this week . Actually i dont like give any comment about our group.Ok ..... this week every body need speaking in english because my class held public speaking and everyone give mark. i know i no very good in speaking and i hope encik Fakhzan understand about me . Happly , yesterday our group get new scrip and the story very good and more interested . Our group discuss about design t-shirt and begin occur practicel very succes. Last i hope this story can get attention from any people .Thank you
"The Stress Week"
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Assalamualaikum and good morning...........
Its me again...........:)On the drama practice yesterday I'm so enjoy and feel it so funny because before starting the practice we had some exercise and singing together.
I'm very stress this week because all of the courses got test in this week and tonight the test 1 for English.I'm also had the presentation for TITAS and the assingment had to be submitted on this Monday.Not only that, all of us has the public speaking on last Monday. My tittle during the public speaking is the better way to communicate with your parents. I just got c+ for the speaking.
All of my friends, I wish you all good luck for the test1...................Mr. Fakhzan please pray for us to get the best grade to all of the courses in semester 1.
That's all for today because I want to continue my revision at cambridge english online as the preparation for tonight.
Its me again...........:)On the drama practice yesterday I'm so enjoy and feel it so funny because before starting the practice we had some exercise and singing together.
I'm very stress this week because all of the courses got test in this week and tonight the test 1 for English.I'm also had the presentation for TITAS and the assingment had to be submitted on this Monday.Not only that, all of us has the public speaking on last Monday. My tittle during the public speaking is the better way to communicate with your parents. I just got c+ for the speaking.
All of my friends, I wish you all good luck for the test1...................Mr. Fakhzan please pray for us to get the best grade to all of the courses in semester 1.
That's all for today because I want to continue my revision at cambridge english online as the preparation for tonight.
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ermmm....hye..i think i am not going to write a long comment for this moment...but i really do sorry if i will have writting a long one at the end~ huhuuuu..
okay..farah and stephanie...and not forgetting zulhelmi.....but not zoolraven k...hahahha..they were really superb...just imaging that they managed to finish the full script within days only...i had witnessed farah stay up late all the niight just in order to type every scenes..she did the very best....even all of us are having test,she willing to sacrifice her all night.
tuesday~ we had a meeting as usual...hhahaha....i had got the mayor's role...i am afraid if i cannot carry the character...but i really do hope i can do the best for my group...and for the we manged to settle the division of casts...
wednesday~ we did practised in the auditorium's not a suitable room for the practise actually...but we tried to make it comfortable....we did the script test for each scen....i played my part well i guess...hahaahha...and so so the others...the antagonmist characters played by muiz and eza really was really blossom..they managed to really felt the feelings...i personally very satisfied with the practise yesterday..
that's all for now i think...thank you...daa~
ermmm....hye..i think i am not going to write a long comment for this moment...but i really do sorry if i will have writting a long one at the end~ huhuuuu..
okay..farah and stephanie...and not forgetting zulhelmi.....but not zoolraven k...hahahha..they were really superb...just imaging that they managed to finish the full script within days only...i had witnessed farah stay up late all the niight just in order to type every scenes..she did the very best....even all of us are having test,she willing to sacrifice her all night.
tuesday~ we had a meeting as usual...hhahaha....i had got the mayor's role...i am afraid if i cannot carry the character...but i really do hope i can do the best for my group...and for the we manged to settle the division of casts...
wednesday~ we did practised in the auditorium's not a suitable room for the practise actually...but we tried to make it comfortable....we did the script test for each scen....i played my part well i guess...hahaahha...and so so the others...the antagonmist characters played by muiz and eza really was really blossom..they managed to really felt the feelings...i personally very satisfied with the practise yesterday..
that's all for now i think...thank you...daa~
have a nice day (^ ; ^).....1 minute
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Wan Nur Shamimi
Comments: (1)

everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!assalamualaikum and good morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today,Mr.Fakhzan angry with me,,,,huhuhuhu....But never mind because its my mistake....
Don't care about that problem,,,,,it's small matter,,,
Ok today, I would like to talk about my public speaking.....hahahahaha it's very nice...
One day before the public speaking day I find a tittle to preasent for Monday...First I want to tell about myself because it is easy,,,hahahaha suddenly I Mr.Fakhzan face hahaha i'm very scare to choose topic myself....After that ,I tried to find a interesting topic,,,It was very tried...Hahahaha,,,,Lastlay I find it,,I find story about the F1 car....
On Monday,I need preset that story,,,I wait,Mr.fakhzan to call my name i'm very nervous,,Mr.Fakhzan just give 1 minute,,,If we take extra time he say "ok"..."thank you"..I'm very nervous with that statement,,,But I'm tried it the best,,,Now my turn to present and share my story with others friends,,,I'm do my best...Fuhhh,,my turn is alredy finish...I'm free now,,,,
Ok,,,that's all for today...Good luck for TEST 1
exam week's......
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Happy nice day to sir and all my beloved friends......
This week is very tired and scared because this week first time we sit the exam at DEWAN SRI BERLIAN...Although tired with exam but the drama of BBI is work normal and smooth.Usually group 1 have a meeting at room 17 at jabatan sosial..In that meeting Stephanie had explained the real new script and she also choose the main and support character..After that we have conclude Naim and Alia are the main character..I think this couple we do the best acting soon....
13 ogos,Wednesday..
Last practise in room audotrium at library....
Iam very happy while looked the practise because in the script have scene romantic and Alia likes embrass to acting this scene with Naim.....while the practise also the department lighting have practise their job and the leader this department is a Mustakim.....
Next week we will practise BBI drama at new place........that place very upon and peaceful to do the drama and very comfortable....that place at .................'PUSAT ISLAM'.....
Last night i have taken the task TAMADUN ISLAM DAN ASIA TENGGARA.....
I think i can did,while i want sent my paper answer at the front i have look the paper answer the others gang,and i see him answer not same with me......But i know my answer is true.....
TONIGH all the program wiil take the task of BBI......I SCARED because iam not good in bi........
but i wiil do the best at tonight.......
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tHiS WeEk sToRY...
morning guys!!! today i`m so happy and full of spirit...huhu!! i don`t no why but that is what i feel today...may be it is because tonight i`ll have bbi test..huhu!! it look like weird right..but it is true..i love this subject cause it very unic..i love learning english since in secondary school it also because of the teacher and who is teaching me...hehe!!! although i did not good enough in this subject i`ll try my best...huhu!! thank you also to my lovely mom because alwyas encourage me to learn english...thanks mom...muahx! huhu! i`ll prove to others that i can do it! i can speake in english very fluently if i keep try it! i can write! yes i can do it better than others!!! i`ll never give up! huhu!!
this week i get a lot of good news...espcially from my drama know, i have been gave a task as a actress acting in this drama...oh my god!!! i really happy and so excited!!! Arrgghhh!!! it really happening! i`ll acting as a boast and greedy datin...and and a funny part is i can`t believe is muiz will act as my son..hahaha!!! i never expected it...hehe!!! yesterday, all of us have our first practice drama for the new!! i`m really nervous although it just only a practice.. i`ll try my best for my team..GO GO GANBATE!!! hehe!! although last night we have titas test but all of them include me give our best commitment and work together..if this still go on like this i know we can win this compition..YES!!! my team CAN DO IT!!!
hahaha!!! look all of my friends geting nut and crazy now huhu! some of them have sing very loudly like want to do a concert...they very talented huhu!! mimi also sing you know... they want to release their tension may be...huhu!!! all of them very funny...ok until here only, meet you guys next week..wish you all the best for this week and this night for all the test you guys will face it..and wish me luck too!!! amin...
The nEw dRama..
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Comments: (1) everyone..
This week we do our first drama practise for the new script and I got Orched character,the village girl..she love Hendra(Naim) but Hendra don't love her..the character will give me more experince in drama..before this I just participet in malay drama because I think,I can't do it but when I got the character and practise yesterday I relize that nothing immposible when we want to do,I hope after this I can do something else to improve my english language..
On last monday have public speaking and I got B only but I think it okey for this time because I know I am not good in english..beside that I think my topic(friend) is not interesting..anyway thanks for sir Fakhzan because give me mark B..thanks..(^_^)
That all for this week and see you all next week...daaaaa....
This week we do our first drama practise for the new script and I got Orched character,the village girl..she love Hendra(Naim) but Hendra don't love her..the character will give me more experince in drama..before this I just participet in malay drama because I think,I can't do it but when I got the character and practise yesterday I relize that nothing immposible when we want to do,I hope after this I can do something else to improve my english language..
On last monday have public speaking and I got B only but I think it okey for this time because I know I am not good in english..beside that I think my topic(friend) is not interesting..anyway thanks for sir Fakhzan because give me mark B..thanks..(^_^)
That all for this week and see you all next week...daaaaa....
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This week, I am very surprised that our old drama was change into the new one...It is because I was in Kuching last week...But, what more surprising me is my teammate efforts was incredibly outstanding...When I just came back, they have already done the new scripts and distributed it to all of us...Isn't it amazing for the new scriptwriter Stephanie and Farahwahida to do it all in just less than a week.....For me, they are just like the superheroes like what drama production's name,TEEN TITANS....!!!!
And not forgetting our beloved Mr. Fakhzan that has co-operate alot with our group...I think without him, we will not going this far and advance.....He is the one that inspired us a lot because looking at his efforts to help us make me not wasting all the deeds that he has given to us.....Not forgetting our own production team that every single day is doing their job nicely....Eventhough the script has been given to all the characters late, but we will try our best to memorize it as soon as possible.....
By then, that is all for this time...I do hope that our group will do the best for the seek of ourselves, sir and our production team.....adiozz...
racked to the max -.-
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howdy mates!
I would like to express my thanks to the whole team who came together to prepare the new script. Zul, Alia, Emma, Mimi, Akma, Farah, Santhini who helped to come up with the storyline. Really, to have the story changed twice in just two days sent a tsunami thru my brain. Just when i've got an idea of how the story goes, it changes.. haiz.. but it was for the better..
Sleepless nights + stale coffee + delayed assignments + last-min study + totally squeezed brain til there's no more juice = OUR NEW SCRIPT!
Here's what Donald Trump (malaysian style) said : APPROVED. major phew.....
Hehe.. Suddenly it was like this huge boulder was lifted off my shoulder. Felt so relieved when i saw them acting. Couln't help laughing at every lil thing(stress relieving). Feelings can't be put in words.
Farah, thx 4 keying in and typing out the script. And emma, thx for ur laptop. And Zul ZUl of course. Thx for giving the ideas, scene6 and support i needed.Really a lifeline. Sorry if the script came late. I noe it was supposed to be out by sunday.
Tuesday was a little messed up. Since the script wasn't ready to be distributed many was stil clueless but they got in that night aft the test, almost all that is. Wednesday, they went thru the whole script. Just very roughly according to what they understood from the script. Farah and I came in late cos we were getting the finalized script done to show Mr. Fakhzan. I am proud of everyone in the team. The initiative and willpower of the team was great. Seriously guys, I was impressed with the acting yesterday. Blew me away. For the first attempt it was superb. Now we have to go all out to make ourselves the best. We have the potential.
I would like to express my thanks to the whole team who came together to prepare the new script. Zul, Alia, Emma, Mimi, Akma, Farah, Santhini who helped to come up with the storyline. Really, to have the story changed twice in just two days sent a tsunami thru my brain. Just when i've got an idea of how the story goes, it changes.. haiz.. but it was for the better..
Sleepless nights + stale coffee + delayed assignments + last-min study + totally squeezed brain til there's no more juice = OUR NEW SCRIPT!
Here's what Donald Trump (malaysian style) said : APPROVED. major phew.....
Hehe.. Suddenly it was like this huge boulder was lifted off my shoulder. Felt so relieved when i saw them acting. Couln't help laughing at every lil thing(stress relieving). Feelings can't be put in words.
Farah, thx 4 keying in and typing out the script. And emma, thx for ur laptop. And Zul ZUl of course. Thx for giving the ideas, scene6 and support i needed.Really a lifeline. Sorry if the script came late. I noe it was supposed to be out by sunday.
Tuesday was a little messed up. Since the script wasn't ready to be distributed many was stil clueless but they got in that night aft the test, almost all that is. Wednesday, they went thru the whole script. Just very roughly according to what they understood from the script. Farah and I came in late cos we were getting the finalized script done to show Mr. Fakhzan. I am proud of everyone in the team. The initiative and willpower of the team was great. Seriously guys, I was impressed with the acting yesterday. Blew me away. For the first attempt it was superb. Now we have to go all out to make ourselves the best. We have the potential.
what a...????
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hye!!! good morning to Mr. fakhzan and to all my friends..
this is about our drama again..
there have been alot of changing this week..on Tuesday during our meeting, Stephanie had presented our new script and chose our actors and first, im play a role as the main character, a city girl, after many thought i decided not to take the now im playing a role as a grand daughter..huhu..=) i really think this will give me a new experience..
yesterday we did a practice as usual, good job to everyone who involved and paying their attention..i luv you all,i think that's all about ourdrama..
and i would like to say im sorry to mr. Fakhzan coz im late on last tuesday..=(
for our english test tonight, good luck to y'all..we'll try our best ok..??
thanks for reading my view!!!
see ya!!!! =D
this is about our drama again..
there have been alot of changing this week..on Tuesday during our meeting, Stephanie had presented our new script and chose our actors and first, im play a role as the main character, a city girl, after many thought i decided not to take the now im playing a role as a grand daughter..huhu..=) i really think this will give me a new experience..
yesterday we did a practice as usual, good job to everyone who involved and paying their attention..i luv you all,i think that's all about ourdrama..
and i would like to say im sorry to mr. Fakhzan coz im late on last tuesday..=(
for our english test tonight, good luck to y'all..we'll try our best ok..??
thanks for reading my view!!!
see ya!!!! =D
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to Mr. Fakhzan and all my coursemate...
About the drama, this week, we had a meeting on tuesday. During the meeting, the scriptwriter gived name for new character, Naim as the village boy, Alia as the city girl, Muiz as the city boy and many more. A several new name also have been given to some of departments, like me as the lighting-man and many more. As the new lighting-man, I have to learn about lighting from Mustaqim. On wednesday, we had a practice in auditorium room. As been tought by Mr. Fakhzan, we started with stretching our muscles and do some exercises. All the actors have give their full energy during the practice. Me and Mustaqim also practice with the lighting. I think that's all for the drama for this week. about what happen this week, i quite busy with exam, assignments and many more. I have to catch up what I left because I arrived here a bit late, so i having a little bit stress and tired for this exam, but i will try my best to do the exam.
That's all from me, thank you and good luck for exam this week..
to Mr. Fakhzan and all my coursemate...
About the drama, this week, we had a meeting on tuesday. During the meeting, the scriptwriter gived name for new character, Naim as the village boy, Alia as the city girl, Muiz as the city boy and many more. A several new name also have been given to some of departments, like me as the lighting-man and many more. As the new lighting-man, I have to learn about lighting from Mustaqim. On wednesday, we had a practice in auditorium room. As been tought by Mr. Fakhzan, we started with stretching our muscles and do some exercises. All the actors have give their full energy during the practice. Me and Mustaqim also practice with the lighting. I think that's all for the drama for this week. about what happen this week, i quite busy with exam, assignments and many more. I have to catch up what I left because I arrived here a bit late, so i having a little bit stress and tired for this exam, but i will try my best to do the exam.
That's all from me, thank you and good luck for exam this week..
week 6.....
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Comments: (1),for this week comment,i would like to write aboout,this week,a little bit strees week for all my scipt writer.but what can i say,they do their best......and i can see all the effort and spirit,congratulation for my script more things is..effort that had been made from all my team members is really make my pationate increase....what that i can say....first day we get our script,and as soon as possible we start our training and screen test...and the result is fantastics.....
in this organisation what is important things is team work........that is the basic things if we want to success....but i am really conffident that my team will success for our drama.....INSYALLAH.......really hope that....
in this organisation what is important things is team work........that is the basic things if we want to success....but i am really conffident that my team will success for our drama.....INSYALLAH.......really hope that....
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Hello.......Mus in the blog....This week I'm not really well because I get flue. I really hate flue because make me not comfortable to do the job.Today I want to tell you about my drama practice. This first time our team have done well even we only get the new script at the practice day and use script while acting. Before we practice that drama , we had vocal practice or other name we sing together. We also warming up.......maybe that sound funny but.....we are happy.Huhuhuhu...
We also get new t-shirt design. All of team member satisfied with that design . This week is the last we use auditorium room because that's room not suitable for drama. So for next week we had decide to use Pusat Islam. Like Mr. Fakhzan said we must use open space to trainning our vokal. So.......that's why we choose that place.
Hmmm... Interesting!!!
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Hmmm... last meeting on tuesday, the meeting is quite interesting because, we have new story. After a great grief when my script had to be rejected, this week we have new script. The script write is Stephanie and is assisted by Farawahida. I just give a story line. The next thing that is interesing is, I am the one of the cast. My character is a grandfather. Eventhough it just an extra charater, I am happy with it. You want know one secret, when I got the character as grandfather, I felt vey sad until I want to cry because it reminds me to my late grandfather. Hmm... I have to keep quite, because i felt like to cry. I am sorry for Farouq because he thought that I angried with him, but the truth is I just sad because my charater reminds me to my late grandfather which he left me forever 13 may 2007. Hm... But now, I am okay. During training on wednesday, my scene only scene one and last scene. Evnthough, my scene only very short, I love it because my scenes are intro and outro.
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hello everyone!!!!
...On Tuesday , usual we have short meeting . Stephanie gave the characters to the actor . Jeng...jeng...i play the character of mom to village boy , as mak cik Kalsom . I'm very excited to play this character . hehe.....
...On Wednesday , the day that we waiting for act time...huhu...all actors gave the best comitments .
...emmmm , for all that thanks for Stephanie because work hard to finished our new group darama script. We love you...muah...
...On Tuesday , usual we have short meeting . Stephanie gave the characters to the actor . Jeng...jeng...i play the character of mom to village boy , as mak cik Kalsom . I'm very excited to play this character . hehe.....
...On Wednesday , the day that we waiting for act time...huhu...all actors gave the best comitments .
...emmmm , for all that thanks for Stephanie because work hard to finished our new group darama script. We love you...muah...
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this week is full with exam. ah...EXAM!!! This night will have BBI test. "study" until late is normal. Maybe just for this week. hehehe....
Yesterday drama practice was greatful. Fitst we are singing, all the "stress" was disappear. doing some exercise...what can i talk about this week drama practice BEST ....
all the actoress try to make the best for the presentation. Datin Exora very bad character and it is approciate to ezza, she is like datin when first time i meet her.
The story of the drama is romantic always make me ticklish. Kak Mai she already like the real mom for naim ^u^ many improvement in this week . we just have a few week for the everyone busy with their department.
hehehe... when think about the scene grandfather and granddaugther was so funny
atuk atuk, what happen next...
only that for this week
bye bye !!
this week is full with exam. ah...EXAM!!! This night will have BBI test. "study" until late is normal. Maybe just for this week. hehehe....
Yesterday drama practice was greatful. Fitst we are singing, all the "stress" was disappear. doing some exercise...what can i talk about this week drama practice BEST ....
all the actoress try to make the best for the presentation. Datin Exora very bad character and it is approciate to ezza, she is like datin when first time i meet her.
The story of the drama is romantic always make me ticklish. Kak Mai she already like the real mom for naim ^u^ many improvement in this week . we just have a few week for the everyone busy with their department.
hehehe... when think about the scene grandfather and granddaugther was so funny
atuk atuk, what happen next...
only that for this week
bye bye !!
new script!! new drama!! new cast!! (",)
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Hello n good day to all...('',)
I would like to thank our scripwriters for doing a great job in editing and completing the script asap. We had our meeting on tuesday to distribute the characters and hahahahaha i got to be the city girl which i find very much a challenge as i did not really thought my team chose me. Its kinda weird as i have to act with Naim because in real life Naim and i usually fight..hahahaha...But i'll try my best to really feel the character.. And thanks for choosing me..
During the practice everyone did a good job as the cast did a screentest and the rest of our team gave full attention and gave a few point of view..
This week has been a really stressful and hectic week as all of us have exams and presentation to do..Like on Monday we had public speaking and i kinda blew it..hahaha i statle and was quite shy in front of my class..hehehe...Nevertheless we manage our time in studying and prepare for exams but it was really tiring..
To all my team members i am sorry but we really need to work hard as other courses are really strong and practice maybe more often as u expect so please do cooperate and sacrifice our sleeping time as sleeping in the afternoon is not good..hihihi...
Sir Fakhzan has really help us alot so its time for us to do our part as students and please prove to other courses that dkhp is the best and i know all of us can do it if we put our mind to it..
Lastly please do not think this drama is a burden but try to have fun in it as it may release stress and we can have fun during practice but not silly matters and to the cast please revise your script and memorise your lines. To the others do come to our practice as this involve all of us and do not think you are tired or have a lot of work as all of us are in this together and all of us have work to do and be considerate..
Thank you..
Hello n good day to all...('',)
I would like to thank our scripwriters for doing a great job in editing and completing the script asap. We had our meeting on tuesday to distribute the characters and hahahahaha i got to be the city girl which i find very much a challenge as i did not really thought my team chose me. Its kinda weird as i have to act with Naim because in real life Naim and i usually fight..hahahaha...But i'll try my best to really feel the character.. And thanks for choosing me..
During the practice everyone did a good job as the cast did a screentest and the rest of our team gave full attention and gave a few point of view..
This week has been a really stressful and hectic week as all of us have exams and presentation to do..Like on Monday we had public speaking and i kinda blew it..hahaha i statle and was quite shy in front of my class..hehehe...Nevertheless we manage our time in studying and prepare for exams but it was really tiring..
To all my team members i am sorry but we really need to work hard as other courses are really strong and practice maybe more often as u expect so please do cooperate and sacrifice our sleeping time as sleeping in the afternoon is not good..hihihi...
Sir Fakhzan has really help us alot so its time for us to do our part as students and please prove to other courses that dkhp is the best and i know all of us can do it if we put our mind to it..
Lastly please do not think this drama is a burden but try to have fun in it as it may release stress and we can have fun during practice but not silly matters and to the cast please revise your script and memorise your lines. To the others do come to our practice as this involve all of us and do not think you are tired or have a lot of work as all of us are in this together and all of us have work to do and be considerate..
Thank you.. money....
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Hello and good day to all of you................. Hope all of you will be in the great health this again this week........
well...well......... about our drama corsework this week, once again, I've given the task as the villager.. and myscript is------->"what was that loud noise??" hehehe..
ha! before I forget, dont forget to pay RM14(for those who havent pay me anymore..) RM2 weekly..Dont forget..and if able, do pay when only we are in meeting and NOT in the PUBLIC!
As we are having our test this week, Hope all of you do the best in your test.. Good luck and hope we can get the best mark!
I think that's all for this week.. So long.................................
well...well......... about our drama corsework this week, once again, I've given the task as the villager.. and myscript is------->"what was that loud noise??" hehehe..
ha! before I forget, dont forget to pay RM14(for those who havent pay me anymore..) RM2 weekly..Dont forget..and if able, do pay when only we are in meeting and NOT in the PUBLIC!
As we are having our test this week, Hope all of you do the best in your test.. Good luck and hope we can get the best mark!
I think that's all for this week.. So long.................................
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Comments: (1) my beloved mr.Fakhzan and my we meet again.hehe..
have a nice day today
13 0gos 08
yesterday we had practise drama..all of us have own role..i was really happy because all go very well and smoothly.Farouk as the director have been chose the character to our drama.
ok let me introduce the character..zul,akma,alia,muiz,asma,stepni,shantini,bali,..and others
mus and azrin as lighting,mimiey as music..and i as villager..huhu..
all the characters are practise based on own script..i like all the scene in this drama
8 0gos 08
i had kokurikulum..''PENGKAP KELANA SISWA''..We made a kite..all of us make nice.
we also learn about lie..i learn many types of lie..we learn about three hours every week.
i so happy because can meet my cludmate..we had ask to introduce our self
11 ogos 08
all dkhp students had publicspeaking..i so nervous..little for public speaking is MY FIRST EXPERIENCE..AND AFTER TWO OR THREE days mr.Fakhzan give the public speaking results..OH MY results so bad but its okay i accept with open minded and i know i must improved my speaking,must more confidence and don't give up..''IF YOU WANT SOMETHING YOU MUST GO AND TRY TIO GET IT..AND NEVER GIVE UP..
OK,l.LASTLY..i wish and pray ours' team always are the best.and will win in final..GOOD LUCK!!!AND GOOD LUCK to all my friends all the best in yours test and stdy hard for final k..
wait me for next week..k..wslam
have a nice day today
13 0gos 08
yesterday we had practise drama..all of us have own role..i was really happy because all go very well and smoothly.Farouk as the director have been chose the character to our drama.
ok let me introduce the character..zul,akma,alia,muiz,asma,stepni,shantini,bali,..and others
mus and azrin as lighting,mimiey as music..and i as villager..huhu..
all the characters are practise based on own script..i like all the scene in this drama
8 0gos 08
i had kokurikulum..''PENGKAP KELANA SISWA''..We made a kite..all of us make nice.
we also learn about lie..i learn many types of lie..we learn about three hours every week.
i so happy because can meet my cludmate..we had ask to introduce our self
11 ogos 08
all dkhp students had publicspeaking..i so nervous..little for public speaking is MY FIRST EXPERIENCE..AND AFTER TWO OR THREE days mr.Fakhzan give the public speaking results..OH MY results so bad but its okay i accept with open minded and i know i must improved my speaking,must more confidence and don't give up..''IF YOU WANT SOMETHING YOU MUST GO AND TRY TIO GET IT..AND NEVER GIVE UP..
OK,l.LASTLY..i wish and pray ours' team always are the best.and will win in final..GOOD LUCK!!!AND GOOD LUCK to all my friends all the best in yours test and stdy hard for final k..
wait me for next week..k..wslam
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Hi..morning guys!
On week 5,
Fuhhh,so tired right now.So many things to do: exam,assignment,report,presentation and others..I a lil bit stress with this kind of situation.But,it ok..I can handle it by relaxing my self by listening my favorite song,"never be replace".haha! :0)
This week also our exam week (test 1) ,argh!! honestly,I'm not ready for this anymore!!..huhu
hope,I can get the best marks for this 1st test..And also,good luck to all my DKHP friends yeaa~~GOODLUCK! GOODLUCK! everyone.. :)
HErmm,about the drama presentation for this week.There is some changes for the drama presentation.I had read the new script that had prepered by farah and steph last week.And, farah had give the hard copy to the everyone..After read it,honestlyi quite interesting with the new drama script..This story is about the city people n the village people.for this drama,I've got the minor character which is the city people for that drama.
Tonight (8-9pm) ,We have BBI test at Dewan Sri Berlian.And tomorrow and the next day, we have PRT and etnic test.And the next! next! week we don't have test anymore..hahha!! yeaaaaaaa~
Ok~that all for this week
ADIOZAa.. :0)
On week 5,
Fuhhh,so tired right now.So many things to do: exam,assignment,report,presentation and others..I a lil bit stress with this kind of situation.But,it ok..I can handle it by relaxing my self by listening my favorite song,"never be replace".haha! :0)
This week also our exam week (test 1) ,argh!! honestly,I'm not ready for this anymore!!..huhu
hope,I can get the best marks for this 1st test..And also,good luck to all my DKHP friends yeaa~~GOODLUCK! GOODLUCK! everyone.. :)
HErmm,about the drama presentation for this week.There is some changes for the drama presentation.I had read the new script that had prepered by farah and steph last week.And, farah had give the hard copy to the everyone..After read it,honestlyi quite interesting with the new drama script..This story is about the city people n the village people.for this drama,I've got the minor character which is the city people for that drama.
Tonight (8-9pm) ,We have BBI test at Dewan Sri Berlian.And tomorrow and the next day, we have PRT and etnic test.And the next! next! week we don't have test anymore..hahha!! yeaaaaaaa~
Ok~that all for this week
ADIOZAa.. :0)
6 week post...
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Comments: (0) Mr.Fahzan and all my friends, today I want write about week 6 drama meeting.Firstly I want say thank to all my member in group one because this week, all the member in my group was give a good teamwork.I think maybe it because the new script drama is really good. For me, I can say it is really better than before.Thank the script writer...=]
As I said above, during drama meeting in teusday, we all doing well.At that time ,we divide the person who have good character to be acting.If before this I feel upset whit Wakka 'THE DEVIL' character,but this this time,I feel more happy because I do not need to loud like the devil anymore....GOOD BYE THE DEVIL....!!!!!!!!
In wednesday, during drama practic. All of us doing well than before.I still remember before this, we take long time to finish scene 1,but this time ,in 1 hour we can finish all 6 scene that we have. Can you imagine how big the different.All the member who have task to solve are really hardworking.That all for this week, I hope my team can give good performer when the big day is come.good bye
As I said above, during drama meeting in teusday, we all doing well.At that time ,we divide the person who have good character to be acting.If before this I feel upset whit Wakka 'THE DEVIL' character,but this this time,I feel more happy because I do not need to loud like the devil anymore....GOOD BYE THE DEVIL....!!!!!!!!
In wednesday, during drama practic. All of us doing well than before.I still remember before this, we take long time to finish scene 1,but this time ,in 1 hour we can finish all 6 scene that we have. Can you imagine how big the different.All the member who have task to solve are really hardworking.That all for this week, I hope my team can give good performer when the big day is come.good bye
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Hey guys!!!!!
Fuh....relief, relief, and relief!!!! Hahaha. Thank god, I feel very relief right now. Finally, our script for drama have been approved by Mr. Fakhzan by yesterday, 13/8/08. In this drama production, me and stephanie have been the scripwriter for our new story of the drama. Here, I want to thanks her a lot because as a partner of this script making, she had teach me so many things.
Although we have to sacrifice so many things, such as our sleeping time, study time and etc, it doesn't matter because now our script and our new story line had been accepted.
Because of this week is the examination week, so all the thing going very rushly. We have to divide equally our time to study and this drama making. But, so far Alhamdulillah the examination going smoothly for me. Although I am quite busy this week and doesn't have much time to study and make revision, but I can make it.
About the drama, we have our new actors that very talented actually. Just need more practice to see their real talent. Our new story is mostly about the family matter. There has quite complicated conflict in this story. If we can see, this new story line is more 'heavy' than our previous story. So that's mean it is more interesting, I hope.
Lastly, good luck guys! Especially for the exam and for the drama making.. InsyaAllah we can make it successfully!!!!!
GO.... CHAIYOK!!!!!
Hey guys!!!!!
Fuh....relief, relief, and relief!!!! Hahaha. Thank god, I feel very relief right now. Finally, our script for drama have been approved by Mr. Fakhzan by yesterday, 13/8/08. In this drama production, me and stephanie have been the scripwriter for our new story of the drama. Here, I want to thanks her a lot because as a partner of this script making, she had teach me so many things.
Although we have to sacrifice so many things, such as our sleeping time, study time and etc, it doesn't matter because now our script and our new story line had been accepted.
Because of this week is the examination week, so all the thing going very rushly. We have to divide equally our time to study and this drama making. But, so far Alhamdulillah the examination going smoothly for me. Although I am quite busy this week and doesn't have much time to study and make revision, but I can make it.
About the drama, we have our new actors that very talented actually. Just need more practice to see their real talent. Our new story is mostly about the family matter. There has quite complicated conflict in this story. If we can see, this new story line is more 'heavy' than our previous story. So that's mean it is more interesting, I hope.
Lastly, good luck guys! Especially for the exam and for the drama making.. InsyaAllah we can make it successfully!!!!!
GO.... CHAIYOK!!!!!
fuhhhhhh ...
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I' m back ....
Today I am little bit happy because all my friends are happy too especially in group one.Everyone smiles ... (,") ... I can look their teeth.Do you know??? Our scripwriter has done their work.Our new scrip drama ... ALHAMDULILAH ...
Erm ... In last Sunday,I have public speaking,it is like a test.I had try my best but I'm very nervous in front of all my members.So I'm blank ... I dont know why!! I got low marks but thanks Sir Fakhzan! grateful to god.Ok,in this time,I want make sure that I'm not do again my past mistake.
Today I have BBI test,tonight at 8 p.m.Past night I had study smart but not hard with my roomate.I want get higher marks such as all my members.They can,so why not me??? I can do it!!!! I must can do it!!! RIGHT??? INSYAALLAH ...
Ok ..
Back to group one drama's.I'm forgot to write that group one new place practice at "PUSAT ISLAM" ...Wow!!! stategic place,open place and ............... Afdhal place ............ heehe.Lastly, Thanks Sir Fakhzan and GOOD LUCK TO ALL MY FRIENDS FOR OUR BBI TEST TONIGHT.Ok.
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on Wednesday, August 13, 2008
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We will have our drama practice this morning...And i was just a minor character...I act as the city people...No much script...
This week is the exam week...I felt really stress...Every night had to burn the midnight oil to prepare for my exam...Although it was just the first exam, not even the final exam, i had study half dead...Haha...But hopefully God will bless efforts...And i can get good results...
Lastly, i really want to go home...I miss my family badly...My parent and siblings...And my pet...Today is my sister's convo and i can't attend it...Really disappointed about that... :(
Have a nice day~Peace~~
This week is the exam week...I felt really stress...Every night had to burn the midnight oil to prepare for my exam...Although it was just the first exam, not even the final exam, i had study half dead...Haha...But hopefully God will bless efforts...And i can get good results...
Lastly, i really want to go home...I miss my family badly...My parent and siblings...And my pet...Today is my sister's convo and i can't attend it...Really disappointed about that... :(
Have a nice day~Peace~~
sorry for being late....
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on Tuesday, August 12, 2008
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Last week I have to go to Kuching....That is why I am late to post my comment to the blog..I do have tried to post it last week but the wireless was so slow and always get into gateway timeout...After I got back on Saturday, I have also tried to do it but the result is dissapointing me...So, today i've got this opportunity to post my comment and I feel relieved...Actually, I want to share my experience during the four days I've been in Kuching...For the first day we(the representative of UPMKB for poem reading) arrived there, we stayed at Alamanda College in UNIMAS...It was on Tuesday night...On Wednesday morning, we are all having a rehearsel..I mean a full rehearsel because it is only that day for us to adapt our performance with the stage given...And now, the important day has came..The competition is held on Thursday started at 9 a.m...I am feeling very nervous before our turn but the minute we start our performance, all my anxiety is gone...I can tell you that I've given all my best towards our performance without any mistakes and I bet that was the best performance in my life ever...Lastly, when the result is announced we are just getting the consolation prize...At first, we are all feeling very dissapointed but for me, I have learnt something that is very precious and couldn't be pictured by words...It will always be kept in my heart forever...So, that is all I can tell and share with you guys..Till we meet again later in our blog ok...hehe..adiozz..