Posted by
on Friday, December 12, 2008
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hai frieNds,
what do you doiNg at hoMe??
i`m really misS you all ..
eSpecially ezora,farah,dayah aNd all
of you ..
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hai everyoNe!!!!!!
not remember me yerk????
loNg time not see ..
See you all at upm ok.
not remember me yerk????
loNg time not see ..
See you all at upm ok.
Posted by
on Thursday, December 4, 2008
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Huaaaa...miss u guys a lot ma!!!!
Well, home sweet home right??Hahaha...I'm sure it does for sem 1 students like us huh.Huhuhu..
So, how's holiday guys? I'm sure all of you must be enjoying the great time right now.Hehehehe... So do I. There's nothing much my activities this holiday BUT there's some la.HAHAHA
Now, I'm just planning to buy a laptop soon. Maybe on this week but I'm not sure what day is it. I'm just waiting for my sister to accompany me to buy that laptop because she's working right now at Raub, Pahang. Whatever it is, I'll never miss to come to the PC Fair at KL Convention
Centre on this 12 to 14 december. If I'm not mistaken la. Huhuhu
Now, I want to tell a lil' bit story 'bout what I'm doing this holiday. On the third day I was at home; me, my lil' sister (caca) and Ezora was going to Berjaya Times Square to watch a movie of High School Musical 3. Its quite fun la. But I think it will more fun if Asma or k.Ain also comes along. And then we're going walking around just doing window shopping. Hahahaha. Since that our movie was started on the early evening, so we had come back quite late. But don't worry, I already told my mother about that. My mom didn't angry if we coming back late, as long as we tell her where we are, with whom we with and the most important that we must have to take care of ourself first.
Alright, on the next day, I was going to Pudu Raya Station to send Ezora to her hometown at Johor. She was stay at my home just a few days because she's got problem to buy her bus ticket straight away when we both arrive at LCCT.
Hurmm... what else my activities huh..Ha! On 17 nov, I was going out with Muz to watching a movie. But my sister also accompany me ok. Hehehe. We watched Madagascar 2! Hahahaha very funny la that movie. Then, as usual we walking around. Nothing to buy because not sale yet la. Hahahaha.
Recently, I'm just doing my shopping with my family at Jusco Wangsa Maju and watching Bolt 3D at KLCC.
Right now, I'm just sitting at Old Taste Kopitiam at Setiawangsa. Just hang out with my sister and have a lil' chat and surf the internet.
Till then I think..Miss u guys so muchOo!!! See ya next year! =D
p/s; It's good to be home bebeyh!!!
Huaaaa...miss u guys a lot ma!!!!
Well, home sweet home right??Hahaha...I'm sure it does for sem 1 students like us huh.Huhuhu..
So, how's holiday guys? I'm sure all of you must be enjoying the great time right now.Hehehehe... So do I. There's nothing much my activities this holiday BUT there's some la.HAHAHA
Now, I'm just planning to buy a laptop soon. Maybe on this week but I'm not sure what day is it. I'm just waiting for my sister to accompany me to buy that laptop because she's working right now at Raub, Pahang. Whatever it is, I'll never miss to come to the PC Fair at KL Convention
Centre on this 12 to 14 december. If I'm not mistaken la. Huhuhu
Now, I want to tell a lil' bit story 'bout what I'm doing this holiday. On the third day I was at home; me, my lil' sister (caca) and Ezora was going to Berjaya Times Square to watch a movie of High School Musical 3. Its quite fun la. But I think it will more fun if Asma or k.Ain also comes along. And then we're going walking around just doing window shopping. Hahahaha. Since that our movie was started on the early evening, so we had come back quite late. But don't worry, I already told my mother about that. My mom didn't angry if we coming back late, as long as we tell her where we are, with whom we with and the most important that we must have to take care of ourself first.
Alright, on the next day, I was going to Pudu Raya Station to send Ezora to her hometown at Johor. She was stay at my home just a few days because she's got problem to buy her bus ticket straight away when we both arrive at LCCT.
Hurmm... what else my activities huh..Ha! On 17 nov, I was going out with Muz to watching a movie. But my sister also accompany me ok. Hehehe. We watched Madagascar 2! Hahahaha very funny la that movie. Then, as usual we walking around. Nothing to buy because not sale yet la. Hahahaha.
Recently, I'm just doing my shopping with my family at Jusco Wangsa Maju and watching Bolt 3D at KLCC.
Right now, I'm just sitting at Old Taste Kopitiam at Setiawangsa. Just hang out with my sister and have a lil' chat and surf the internet.
Till then I think..Miss u guys so muchOo!!! See ya next year! =D
p/s; It's good to be home bebeyh!!!
Posted by
FabuLouS F`ZaN
on Friday, November 28, 2008
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miss u all...
c u all in the next sem k...
miss u all...
c u all in the next sem k...
Posted by
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hello everyone..
its been awhile since we have seen each other rite,...
missing everyone a lot n upm a lil..hahaha
anyway hope everyone is fine n happy hols everybody..
have a holiday n have fun..
its been awhile since we have seen each other rite,...
missing everyone a lot n upm a lil..hahaha
anyway hope everyone is fine n happy hols everybody..
have a holiday n have fun..
Posted by
on Friday, November 14, 2008
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Hai everyoNe!!! loNg time not see ...
Do you waNt to kNow my storY here????
heeeeheee ... lets go!!! read my story.
BegiN with seM hoLidays,
i weNt back to kaLaNtaN aNd theN take
MUET test,fuuuhhhh ...
so hard of me but not too bad,
so far so good.
oNe day after MUET test,
my mum ask me like that ....
"do you waNt to work"???
aNd i with proud aNswer
their questioN ....
yes mom! i waNt!!!
aNd theN i start work.
Do you know where i work???
heeheeee ....
Yes!! uNtiL now ...
friends ...
i learN maNy experieNce,
try you all imagiNe that i must
work with all iNdiaN maN workers at
nasi kaNdar restauran,but tey all muSLim.
first day is very difficult to me but
now .................................................
i like at there,i feel that time very
fast to me every day.I feel that i dont
waNt go back to my home.
i am very happy at there.
work ... work ... aNd work.
Thats my routiNe.
oNe day,
A rich maN but not haNdsoMe like sir
FakhzaN(heeee) come to eat to that
restauraN,how dare of his!!! aNgry muNir,
who is oNe of iNdian musLim workers at that
restauraN.pity to muNir,if i at muNir place
of couse i am cry.heehehe.
aNd before i weNt back i write soMethiNg to
muNir,so stupid i am.I doNt waNt he sad,
he is a good boy ...
so i just want give him support,
just it.DoNt thiNk more thaN that ok!!!!
mak ooooiiii!!!!
i forgot to tell you all that i work just as a
cashier,but fuN!!!
DoNt shocked if wheN i go back to upm sooN,
I`m speakiNg iNdian with you all,heheheeee.
ok ............................................................................
the times ruNniNg up,
i must fiNish my story here because i have
maNy work to do.
see you all agaiN my lovely friends.
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d worst time of d yr..
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haiz ppl.. finals comin round d corner.. hav to start putting our nose to d grindstone redi.. reli miss drama la.. eventhough we're so much more free now it feels very empty without d regular practices or "bonding sessions".. watever it is, life stil goes on.. good luck to all my fellow dkhpians in ur finals.. do ur best!
Posted by
on Monday, October 13, 2008
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Hai... welcome back from 'hari raya'!
How is the holiday??don't want to share it with me :(
It is hard for me to wake up early in the morning because this holiday I OVERSLEEP!
Boring, boring,boring... don'tknow what to do when holiday, I do not go 'beraya' at Kg.Jepak and Kg....(forgotting the name) ohh yes Asyakirin... BUT don't forget about last exam!!! ohhh so many thing to remember my head will be soon expload..arggg
English topshow... I want to do it again. Best! you know only this course we can enjoy and having fun with drama, speaking test, topshow... next sem. we don't have all this..Iwill miss that time dkhp student 'always' make troble one and one troble may be because we are super active hehehe...
why there is less people writting to this blog? I love to read what people say ... Hei! don't forgot about this blog ok!
actualy... I just want to say 'welcome back'
hey friends!!
Posted by
on Tuesday, October 7, 2008
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Jus sending sum love...hope everyone have a great week. Holla!
Welcome Back and Ready for Final Exam!
Posted by
FabuLouS F`ZaN
on Monday, October 6, 2008
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Posted by
on Saturday, October 4, 2008
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hAPPY COMING BACK TO upM. aS USUALLY I HOPE THIS BLOG WILL maintained for public conference and talk!
Posted by
on Thursday, September 25, 2008
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oRPHAN yOTA ia a hardworking,
21 years old
drems about of opening up his own restaurant.. He has a little step-sister, Kaoru, who lives on island off Okinawa then moves with Yota to bigin cllege in Southland.
Yota had promised their mother on her death bed to care for Kaoru at all cost-even the relationship with his medical student girlfriend.
This story gives a value of determination in life. Whatever it takes we must go ahead..
For my motivation, i'll do my best for my future!
thank you to god, parent, sir, and dean and deputy dean (academic) cozzs give me a semangat . heheheh
21 years old
drems about of opening up his own restaurant.. He has a little step-sister, Kaoru, who lives on island off Okinawa then moves with Yota to bigin cllege in Southland.
Yota had promised their mother on her death bed to care for Kaoru at all cost-even the relationship with his medical student girlfriend.
This story gives a value of determination in life. Whatever it takes we must go ahead..
For my motivation, i'll do my best for my future!
thank you to god, parent, sir, and dean and deputy dean (academic) cozzs give me a semangat . heheheh
Late POstiNGS
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i'm so gifted... huhuhuhu it s all about this blogs.. hehehe
evrything about my course work.
Dear sir...
hehehehe could you give me a full mark for this blog assestment..
i'm so gifted... huhuhuhu it s all about this blogs.. hehehe
evrything about my course work.
Dear sir...
hehehehe could you give me a full mark for this blog assestment..
Show your expertise with confidence!
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Champion victory!
Cong""" to all! hahahazxx
sir Fakhzan sayang u so much because without u we wouldn't make it.. especially your wonderful ideas and screaming at us to improve and spending time with us outside your job hours..thank u so much from the bottom of our hearts....chihuahua its all worth it...To group 2 if all of u did a good job and thank u for supporting us in every way.. for apiit Director of group2, thank you very much for ur motivasi for me! Most of u gave us tons of support and never ending hope in winning the competition and truly we did.. ye hahahaha
i do miss drama and everything since the drama showed us most of our friends true colour and it took most of our free time in preparing for the drama. I really miss drama and spending time
gathering with group 1.. hexhihihihi
To group 2 members, we very glad to share this happy moment with all of you. This is because we're in the same course, DKHP... so that's mean we're a FAMILY. =) This winning is for all of us. Thanks for the support during the final day. There's no more gap/parit/lonkang between group 1 and 2 after this ok! Hahahahahahahx
Cong""" to all! hahahazxx
sir Fakhzan sayang u so much because without u we wouldn't make it.. especially your wonderful ideas and screaming at us to improve and spending time with us outside your job hours..thank u so much from the bottom of our hearts....chihuahua its all worth it...To group 2 if all of u did a good job and thank u for supporting us in every way.. for apiit Director of group2, thank you very much for ur motivasi for me! Most of u gave us tons of support and never ending hope in winning the competition and truly we did.. ye hahahaha
i do miss drama and everything since the drama showed us most of our friends true colour and it took most of our free time in preparing for the drama. I really miss drama and spending time
gathering with group 1.. hexhihihihi
To group 2 members, we very glad to share this happy moment with all of you. This is because we're in the same course, DKHP... so that's mean we're a FAMILY. =) This winning is for all of us. Thanks for the support during the final day. There's no more gap/parit/lonkang between group 1 and 2 after this ok! Hahahahahahahx
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wHEN U WRITE A RUMUSAN, should youoffer 3 isi, 3 isi tersirat and three pendapat!
It is true, summary has the 3 parts balanced....
but this is becausethe passage is givensuaaly lends itself to a three, 3, 3, 3, 3"
The examiners want to give you a chance to show off ur ability to rumus the isi tersurat,capture and present the isi tersirat and express ir pendapat and do conclusion.
But once in a while,they may choose the passage that has very little isi tersirat..
And x much scope 4 pendapat,pendapat pendapat... wow, veryhard!
Should you then throwout important points in isi tersirat strain to see hidden meaning wherenone exist, and struggle to find sumthing ori to say when.
Examiners expect u to be flexxz?
If there are 5 or even six salient points in isi tersurat, put them all in!!!
U akan find it fairly easy to dig out two isi tersirat and think two pendapat
Do not kill urself lookingfor more
Thank you..
Some tips from muizz!
It is true, summary has the 3 parts balanced....
but this is becausethe passage is givensuaaly lends itself to a three, 3, 3, 3, 3"
The examiners want to give you a chance to show off ur ability to rumus the isi tersurat,capture and present the isi tersirat and express ir pendapat and do conclusion.
But once in a while,they may choose the passage that has very little isi tersirat..
And x much scope 4 pendapat,pendapat pendapat... wow, veryhard!
Should you then throwout important points in isi tersirat strain to see hidden meaning wherenone exist, and struggle to find sumthing ori to say when.
Examiners expect u to be flexxz?
If there are 5 or even six salient points in isi tersurat, put them all in!!!
U akan find it fairly easy to dig out two isi tersirat and think two pendapat
Do not kill urself lookingfor more
Thank you..
Some tips from muizz!
we are the winners!!!
Posted by
on Wednesday, September 24, 2008
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yuhuuu.....at last we got 1st place for the drama...fantastic guys...good job n well done!i feel so happy.its a tough competition and i didn't expect to win the 1st prize at all.really so unbelievable.thanks a lot to everyone especially my dear cute lecturer Mr.Fakhzan for all the support and hard work.i think you are the best lecturer indeed!to all my team members...thanks a lot for helping me even though music is not that good also.i really cannot control the music and the laptop they use is also so different.i hardly can control the flow of the song and volume...anyway past is past...and after all we did the best.all our effort never go waste.thank to god for the bless also...
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SeLaMaT hArI rAyA
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i want to take this chance to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all group 1 members and our lovely english lecture mr. fakhzan ! I was very sad because i not going back for raya...... this is the first time i 'beraya' without my family..
we are the champion for drama festival,(ahh.....) a higher thankful to scrip writer Step and Farah although we don't get the best scrip but we get championship for our drama(romantic drama story) everyone love it especially when karim died hahaha.. not forgeting our director farok assistance director alia hero and heroin and all the cast ..best be one group with you all !
and the importance person Mr. Fakhzan !
last night we open the present and i got choclate.emmm.........nice!
i hope everyone enjoy their raya holiday and don't forget about last exam after raya..
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Posted by
FabuLouS F`ZaN
on Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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champion at last........
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salam......really happy because at the end of the day we had won the championship for drama engli9sh festival....so,really thankz for all the crew and cast.....really enjoy working with you guys....really sorry if,as i in director position...make you all feel terible.....i also a human and have some wickness.......thanks guyz....
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we won! we won!
we are the champion..we are the cahampion...huhu! oow! my god! guys it was unbelieveable! we have won the festival drama bbi.. it was really great for me... because it really pay to us for what we have go through along starting from we got the task for the drama until the compitition... i really happy and so excited! because before we face the final and semifinal there are many challenging we have face and go through...like script rejected, criticsm from the other, conflict and many more... but with all of that lastly we get what we are wanted...we won that drama festival...
congratulation all of you espiacialy to mr. fakhzan the handsome one HEHE! because has
give a lot of support and help us until the final... without him we never be like this... he has sacrifice manything just for our group.. he really a kind man...
then i would like to say BIG thanks to group 2 dkhp because they also give hand and support to us... although they can`t make to the final but they still give their support and encourage us until the final and until we won that compitition...
after that, congratulation for our script writer, miss farah and miss stephanie, because of their beautiful and meaningful script we got the first place..
congratulation too at our big director, mr. farouq, our lovely garfield because be patient and strong face all problem in our team and the drama although sometime he look like want give up... but thanks to alya our butterfly in our them because give the strengh back to our director and always with us give their cotmmitment in our team...
thanks also to our props department shidah, abby, kak ain, shah, hambali because do a great job... also the lighting mus and azrin.. without props and lighting our drama will become gloomy and boring... thankful also to our costum department, kak miza, asma, lingling, and suha also me..hehe! because find, create and choose cast costum...
and not forgetten BIG thankful and congratulation to our cast! loving couple alya and naim, the mayors emma, the greedy datin ezora ( actually is me hehe! :p ), her son muiz, flirting village girl midah huhu! our lovely mom kak mai, not forget the lawyer farouq, villagers sabar and shah, and the city folks, asma, farah, lingling, and hambali... without the cast there will never have a drama and without the crew also the drama will never go trough until the final...
oh! how i miss that moment.. after this there were never have practice drama or anything because all of that was finish and we have won at the first place.. but the most important is i promise i will never forget what we have go trough a long this festival drama... because it really meanigful for me... last but not least all yhe best guys and our team, teentitans production and not forget so do calyx production and also our lovely lecturer mr. fakhzan.... our friendship is forever! huhu! ( '' ,)
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OMG!! we had did it!! we are the first for the drama festival...really happy and excited when we heard that!!Thanks God for blessing us...our hard work are all worth at the end...yeah!!
i will be back to SIbu this friday...CAn't wait to go home...so happy...And this time i will go back with another chinese friend in this campus that is GOh.. he will going to Bintangor....so we take the same bus to sibu...Luckily got him, if not i also not dare to take the bus alone...
Lastly, Happy Hari RAya to All~~
i will be back to SIbu this friday...CAn't wait to go home...so happy...And this time i will go back with another chinese friend in this campus that is GOh.. he will going to Bintangor....so we take the same bus to sibu...Luckily got him, if not i also not dare to take the bus alone...
Lastly, Happy Hari RAya to All~~
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Alhamdulillah.. at last, we manage to win thi competition.. Praise to the Almighty after all this tough moment that we had successly faced it...
To all of the team..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all muslims... Have fun.........
To all of the team..
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all muslims... Have fun.........
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WOW!!!!!!!!!! I CAN BELIEVE IT..............
After we all feel that kind of thing before this,some of us have been going bad relation among us,but it is not to long,finally we all back together as a family.And some of them I saw are going more close after that.After we all do by the way..i just need to say that this victory is not just belong to our group-group 1 i mean...but it is representing our course...DKHP!!!group 2..u really did give us a 100% of support during the the festival drama.
Thanks to our advisor, Mr. Fakhzan because he always help us a lot..I would like to thank to all my beloved comrades especially farouq, alia, stephanie, zul, akma, emma, mai, abby, shidah, hanbali, midah, azrin, kak ain, eza, miza, farah, asma, suha, santhinie, mimi, shah, saba, naim, dayah, ling, and muiz..i want you all know that our memory within this 2 month together I will never forget..!!
That all for maybe my last blog in drama....and to my beloved lecture Mr.Fakhzan, here I want to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA and do not forget to give support when the drama festival day....
THANK YOU ALL OF YOU...........................
THANK YOU ALL OF YOU...........................
YAY!!! WE WON!!!
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Yahoo!!!! We did it! We're the WINNER!! Hahahaha just like in my dream.. fuh I can't believe it dude! =D
Alhamdulillah...thanks to Allah for give us this great winning. Seriously, for me , I actually didn't expected that we will be champion. This is because all the top 5 during that day are very tough competitor. Moreover, most of us feel not too excited compared than semifinal competition last week. Maybe we feel very nervous, that's why we feel that way..huhu...
But guys, it doesn't matter with all our effort, work hard, and all the obstacle we faced along our journey in this drama making fnally paid off. If we can still remember during our early process of this drama producing, there are many laugh and cry we had go through together. Also, there are some of us that had few 'conflict' with each other. But...that's the past guys. Alhamdulillah we had settled it earlier. And now, all the incident had been our sweet memory to remember.
To group 2 members, we very glad to share this happy moment with all of you. This is because we're in the same course, DKHP... so that's mean we're a FAMILY. =) This winning is for all of us. Thanks for the support during the final day. There's no more gap between group 1 and 2 after this ok! Hahaha
Thanks to Mr. Fakhzan for your guide and your sacrifiction all this while. We owe you soo mucho sir! We are very glad to had a lecturer like you =)
So now, all about the drama is over and had become our sweet memoirs to remember.
That's all..... not forgetten SELAMAT HARI RAYA guys! For those who going back, have a save journey and get home safely. And for those not going back, just like me.. hahaha, may we have a great first experience to celebrate raya in this campus. I'm sure I'll cry heavily on the raya morning...wakakakaka =D
Till then...bye!!!
Yahoo!!!! We did it! We're the WINNER!! Hahahaha just like in my dream.. fuh I can't believe it dude! =D
Alhamdulillah...thanks to Allah for give us this great winning. Seriously, for me , I actually didn't expected that we will be champion. This is because all the top 5 during that day are very tough competitor. Moreover, most of us feel not too excited compared than semifinal competition last week. Maybe we feel very nervous, that's why we feel that way..huhu...
But guys, it doesn't matter with all our effort, work hard, and all the obstacle we faced along our journey in this drama making fnally paid off. If we can still remember during our early process of this drama producing, there are many laugh and cry we had go through together. Also, there are some of us that had few 'conflict' with each other. But...that's the past guys. Alhamdulillah we had settled it earlier. And now, all the incident had been our sweet memory to remember.
To group 2 members, we very glad to share this happy moment with all of you. This is because we're in the same course, DKHP... so that's mean we're a FAMILY. =) This winning is for all of us. Thanks for the support during the final day. There's no more gap between group 1 and 2 after this ok! Hahaha
Thanks to Mr. Fakhzan for your guide and your sacrifiction all this while. We owe you soo mucho sir! We are very glad to had a lecturer like you =)
So now, all about the drama is over and had become our sweet memoirs to remember.
That's all..... not forgetten SELAMAT HARI RAYA guys! For those who going back, have a save journey and get home safely. And for those not going back, just like me.. hahaha, may we have a great first experience to celebrate raya in this campus. I'm sure I'll cry heavily on the raya morning...wakakakaka =D
Till then...bye!!!
just a piece...
Posted by
on Monday, September 22, 2008
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we are the champion at last! yea!!! TEENTITANSproduction hehhehehe............special thanx to our beloved "TAN SRI"..hehehhe..mr fakhzan bin buang cause had give us a lot of support n share a lot of things expecially about the drama...
we got the champion titile now!! huuuuuuuuu....hehhe
and this is our last post.huuh.soo sad!
good luck for the final exam..
bye..salam aidilfitri to all dkhp members..
we got the champion titile now!! huuuuuuuuu....hehhe
and this is our last post.huuh.soo sad!
good luck for the final exam..
bye..salam aidilfitri to all dkhp members..
gOoD j0B...
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Hello to all my beloved friend......
Yahooo...we are the WINNER,CONGRATULATION to us..
well,the drama already end..I not aspect we get the first place because when all the finalis group perform their drama everyone is do well,beside that our music not very good..But in the same time I also hope my group,Teen Titans become winner..
When the MC announce the top 5 we very nevous and when the MC announce the winner we very excited and happy..wow,it is the most wonderful day to Teen Titans member..
I am very proud to my team,Good job my friends..
Not forget to Mr Fakhzan,thanks sir for your support and for everything you do to us..THANK YOU VERY MUCH..
Lastly,I am sorry if I have any mistake to all of you..and 'SELAMAT HARI RAYA'..huhu.
For those who are not going back for raya don't cry,I will bring something to you..hehehe..
Hope all of you happy celebrate Hari Raya here..
Okey that all...happy always yeh...Smile (^_^)..daaaaa.....
Yahooo...we are the WINNER,CONGRATULATION to us..
well,the drama already end..I not aspect we get the first place because when all the finalis group perform their drama everyone is do well,beside that our music not very good..But in the same time I also hope my group,Teen Titans become winner..
When the MC announce the top 5 we very nevous and when the MC announce the winner we very excited and happy..wow,it is the most wonderful day to Teen Titans member..
I am very proud to my team,Good job my friends..
Not forget to Mr Fakhzan,thanks sir for your support and for everything you do to us..THANK YOU VERY MUCH..
Lastly,I am sorry if I have any mistake to all of you..and 'SELAMAT HARI RAYA'..huhu.
For those who are not going back for raya don't cry,I will bring something to you..hehehe..
Hope all of you happy celebrate Hari Raya here..
Okey that all...happy always yeh...Smile (^_^)..daaaaa.....
we are the winner...
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hye my lovely frens!!ahahha...well...im going to write about our victory..fuuuhhh!!!at lasts guys..we did it!!we won the drama festival..we are the first team dude..it was soooo relieve to hear the announcement of the champion last saturday...hahahha...a thousand of thank you to our beloved sir fakhzan..hi did and sacrifice a lot for our team ryte???hyummm,.,.we all love u sir...
by the way..i just need to say that this victory is not just belong to our group-group 1 i mean...but it is representing our course...DKHP!!!group 2..u really did give us a 200% of support during the whole competition...humm...
congrates to all the cast...coz for me...everyone did a very best job!!!all of our sacrifices are worth now...so..juz enjoy yourselves friends..hum...anyway..i really gonna miss all the moments..memories..since we the time we stated this drama...humm..this is an unforgetful experience for me..
last word from me-i love u all!!
by the way..i just need to say that this victory is not just belong to our group-group 1 i mean...but it is representing our course...DKHP!!!group 2..u really did give us a 200% of support during the whole competition...humm...
congrates to all the cast...coz for me...everyone did a very best job!!!all of our sacrifices are worth now...so..juz enjoy yourselves friends..hum...anyway..i really gonna miss all the moments..memories..since we the time we stated this drama...humm..this is an unforgetful experience for me..
last word from me-i love u all!!
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Assalamualaikum.........and very good morning to all my friends and Sir......Sorry because i lated posted my blog......
Finally...the drama BBI is end with wonderful perfomance from all programs especially my group.....while the perfomance, my group have do mistake in music arrangement that mistake playing music.....All of us very dissapointed...but we very happy because all audience enjoy with our perfomance.......After perfomance all the groups MC ANNOUNCE the winner of DRAMA FESTIVAL.....all of us very shocked because our group are the winner......yeyeyeyeyeyeye....
congratulations to all............................................this last posted that i will create but if i have time i will create this blog again.....Thanks to sir because give our chance to improve our marks with posted this bog......Although my grammar are bad but i'm trying create this blog....
LASTLY....to all friends and beloved Sir................
Finally...the drama BBI is end with wonderful perfomance from all programs especially my group.....while the perfomance, my group have do mistake in music arrangement that mistake playing music.....All of us very dissapointed...but we very happy because all audience enjoy with our perfomance.......After perfomance all the groups MC ANNOUNCE the winner of DRAMA FESTIVAL.....all of us very shocked because our group are the winner......yeyeyeyeyeyeye....
congratulations to all............................................this last posted that i will create but if i have time i will create this blog again.....Thanks to sir because give our chance to improve our marks with posted this bog......Although my grammar are bad but i'm trying create this blog....
LASTLY....to all friends and beloved Sir................
OMG...We did it..!!!
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Alright.. Congrats to all for doing a fabulous job..!!
Firstly i am totally speechless as it was shocking an unexpected..i am so proud of all of u and we did it.. all our hardwork had paid off. To all who did a fantastic job well done and u deserve it..Many thanks for cooperating and making all of this happen.To the cast great job, our props well done, and to the others good job...
Secondly to sir Fakhzan thank u so much because without u we wouldnt make it.. especially your wonderful ideas and screaming at us to improve and spending time with us outside your job hours..thank u so much from the bottom of our hearts....hahaha its all worth it...To group 2 if all of u did a good job and thank u for supporting us in every way..Most of u gave us tons of support and never ending hope in winning the competition and truly we did....
Next i would say i do miss drama and everything since the drama showed us most of our friends true colour and it took most of our free time in preparing for the drama. I really would miss drama and spending time gathering with group 1 as to me we all are in 1 big family and i do love all of u...I would like to say im very sorry if during drama i became the assistant director i have been hushed or made any mistakes im sorry and hope all would be forgiven..
Lastly to our director,Farouq, stage manager stephanie,my production team members good job and we all did a great job..I will never forget this drama as it is a great memory which i would cherish forever.....we are the winners!!!i love all of u sooooooo much... muahxx!!To all muslims SELAMAT HARI RAYA and to others happy holiday....and pls do not forget this blog as we should keep on writing and keep in touch alright...daaaaaaaa.....
thank u..
Firstly i am totally speechless as it was shocking an unexpected..i am so proud of all of u and we did it.. all our hardwork had paid off. To all who did a fantastic job well done and u deserve it..Many thanks for cooperating and making all of this happen.To the cast great job, our props well done, and to the others good job...
Secondly to sir Fakhzan thank u so much because without u we wouldnt make it.. especially your wonderful ideas and screaming at us to improve and spending time with us outside your job hours..thank u so much from the bottom of our hearts....hahaha its all worth it...To group 2 if all of u did a good job and thank u for supporting us in every way..Most of u gave us tons of support and never ending hope in winning the competition and truly we did....
Next i would say i do miss drama and everything since the drama showed us most of our friends true colour and it took most of our free time in preparing for the drama. I really would miss drama and spending time gathering with group 1 as to me we all are in 1 big family and i do love all of u...I would like to say im very sorry if during drama i became the assistant director i have been hushed or made any mistakes im sorry and hope all would be forgiven..
Lastly to our director,Farouq, stage manager stephanie,my production team members good job and we all did a great job..I will never forget this drama as it is a great memory which i would cherish forever.....we are the winners!!!i love all of u sooooooo much... muahxx!!To all muslims SELAMAT HARI RAYA and to others happy holiday....and pls do not forget this blog as we should keep on writing and keep in touch alright...daaaaaaaa.....
thank u..
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hey guys!!
finally, we won..!! i love you all....well, i'll have to say im proud to be in this group..thanks to our advisor, mr. Fakhzan coz' he help us a lot..i would like to thank to all my beloved comrades especially farouq, alia, stephanie, zul, emma, mai, abby, shidah, hanbali, mus, midah, azrin, kak ain, eza, miza, farah, asma, suha, santhinie, mimi, shah, saba, naim, dayah, ling, and muiz..i want you all know that our memory within this 2month together i will never forget..!! =)
i will miss all the quarrel misunderstood, blaming, all sweet memory with you guys..and im sorry...
i would like to wish all of you SELAMAT HARI RAYA and happy holidays..!! im going back this wednesday!! YEA!! YEA!! =D hahaha..see you guys later, and enjoy this holiday!!!!!!
finally, we won..!! i love you all....well, i'll have to say im proud to be in this group..thanks to our advisor, mr. Fakhzan coz' he help us a lot..i would like to thank to all my beloved comrades especially farouq, alia, stephanie, zul, emma, mai, abby, shidah, hanbali, mus, midah, azrin, kak ain, eza, miza, farah, asma, suha, santhinie, mimi, shah, saba, naim, dayah, ling, and muiz..i want you all know that our memory within this 2month together i will never forget..!! =)
i will miss all the quarrel misunderstood, blaming, all sweet memory with you guys..and im sorry...
i would like to wish all of you SELAMAT HARI RAYA and happy holidays..!! im going back this wednesday!! YEA!! YEA!! =D hahaha..see you guys later, and enjoy this holiday!!!!!!
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Assalamualaikum..............anybody home>???????
Yes...............we did it.Now...... the REAL SHOW is begin.....no more time to thinking, but this is time to show it......no more time to take rest,like Mr Fakhzan said LIFE NO MERCY and no more time to dream.Millions of thanks to our beloved lecturer, who else if not Mr Fakhzan.......Hehehehe....I can say that our winning in the preliminary, one of the factor is because of you sir....Without all your develop yells and advices, we cannot get to go to the final.......
All of us very happy because our group was selected to go to final.I am so proud of our group all our hardwork and late night work and no sleepfinally paid off.
THANK YOU ALL OF YOU...........................
WE ARE THE WINNER.......!!!!!!!
Posted by
on Saturday, September 20, 2008
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YAHOOOO....OO...OO.............!!!!!!:) :)
WE ARE THE BEST..........!!!!!!!!!
WE ARE THE BEST..........!!!!!!!!!
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we're the champion...today the good news for our group...
finally , our group won the drama festival...
i will to thank Sir Fakzhan , our product team members , and also to all the participants...
tonight , i fell so tired so i think i stop now...
thank you all....
luv u all...
we're the champion...today the good news for our group...
finally , our group won the drama festival...
i will to thank Sir Fakzhan , our product team members , and also to all the participants...
tonight , i fell so tired so i think i stop now...
thank you all....
luv u all...
Posted by
on Friday, September 19, 2008
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GOOD LUCK GUYS.....!!!!!
Now...... the REAL SHOW is begin.....no more time to thinking, but this is time to show it......no more time to take rest,because LIFE NO MERCY and no more time to drem, because IT CAN BE MIRACLE WHEN YOU BELIVE.....SO BE YOURSELF..:P..OK..
The big day is come. seriously I feel so nervest...althought it just a competition to know which production will going to get the first,second and thirt placed,but it is going upset to me because when I rewind back when we all do so hard to become like now.At the few day ago, I start thinking about what I will going to do if the drama is over..? no more practise,no more meeting,no more writing blog,no more feel tired because doing prop :) and so on.All of that make my life tired before this,but what happen when all of it suddenly stop? :+..
Althought when we feel that kind of thing before this,some of us have been going bad relation among us,but it is not to long,finaly we all back together as a family.And some of them I saw are going more close after that.
okey....that all for maybe my last blog in drama....and to my beloved lecture Mr.Fakhzan, here I want to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA and do not forget to give support when the drama festival day....and persenaly I hope that you not going to upset when reading my blog started since week one untill now because I know in each blog that I post have a lot of mistake word that I make, hope you not care......:+....:).......
Now...... the REAL SHOW is begin.....no more time to thinking, but this is time to show it......no more time to take rest,because LIFE NO MERCY and no more time to drem, because IT CAN BE MIRACLE WHEN YOU BELIVE.....SO BE YOURSELF..:P..OK..
The big day is come. seriously I feel so nervest...althought it just a competition to know which production will going to get the first,second and thirt placed,but it is going upset to me because when I rewind back when we all do so hard to become like now.At the few day ago, I start thinking about what I will going to do if the drama is over..? no more practise,no more meeting,no more writing blog,no more feel tired because doing prop :) and so on.All of that make my life tired before this,but what happen when all of it suddenly stop? :+..
Althought when we feel that kind of thing before this,some of us have been going bad relation among us,but it is not to long,finaly we all back together as a family.And some of them I saw are going more close after that.
okey....that all for maybe my last blog in drama....and to my beloved lecture Mr.Fakhzan, here I want to wish SELAMAT HARI RAYA and do not forget to give support when the drama festival day....and persenaly I hope that you not going to upset when reading my blog started since week one untill now because I know in each blog that I post have a lot of mistake word that I make, hope you not care......:+....:).......
Posted by
on Thursday, September 18, 2008
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Assalamualaikum.. hai guys..
WOW!!! finally our team production made it to the final and this is the last week for us to post the blog.. hahahahaha.. First i want to say congratulation to our team TEENTITANS PRODUCTION because made it to final this saturday and i hope we can do the best during the final and become the champion, insyaallah. During the preliminary, i saw the other team performed, they all very good and because we are the last team to perform, i can see that all of us very nervous but for me, our team have try the best. TEENTITANS PRODUCTION was announced as the first team who make it to the final. I hope during the final we can do our best and become the champion. Thats all from me, thank you to Mr Fakhzan for your support and to all dkhpians, bye..
and guys don't forget this blog, ok..
Posted by
Wan Nur Shamimi
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- Hello everyOne,,,
- How ARe tODaY,,,,
- I HOPE fine...
- huhuhuh....
Today I would like to talk about the final around...Our team grateful cause can to the final...I hope we get new experience about this drama..HUHUHUHU
Actually,final is not my target cause our team not good acting but that day our group can do the best...I'm very suprise with that
about my test,,,huhuhu.i'm not satisfied with that cause my result is very bad...I'm try the best for final after this...............
ok,,,i think that's all for today....
Today ......................
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assalamuaikum and..............good morni
Hello everybody....................................
sorry because i late post the blog
Today our group and i very happy because our group drama can go to final and then i think our effort was succes .
But dont forget on this saturday our group have competetion final drama so please................. do the best.Ok i hope your can succes .........................GOOD LUCK..
special thanks
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I would specially like to thank Mr Fakhzan for all your guidance and support you have given our dkhp team. You have willingly sacrificed a lot of your time even outside working hours to help us with our drama. Thank you for also going the extra mile to make sure we're emotionally ok, like during class and meditation. It really means a lot to me because, honestly a lecturer like you is hard to come by. Your one of a kind, Mr. Fakhzan. Thank you very much.
OMG.............GUESS WAT!
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I. am. so. proud. you guys. To finally see 2 and a half month's worth of work come together in just 20 agonizing minutes is just..wah..no words to describe it. Once the drama was over there was just a huge wave of relief that came over me. I finally got to see our final product. At that point it didn't matter if we made it to the finals or not because we already did our best, except for a few glitches here and there. But still it was wonderful. I kind of expected us to go to the finals after our performance cos i felt we did good. True enough, we did!
Lighting-under last min circumstances you managed to pull it off well without any practice with the cast some more.
Props-went as well as could be. Thumbs up to the props dept.
Costumes-things went relatively well. Good job to you all.
Music-flow was perfect! mostly.
Cast-i could see you really poured your heart and soul into the characters.
All my thanks and love to those who did their job and cooperated with those in-charge. We're going to the finals now. We have this 1 final and last chance to prove ourselves. We've come this close to winning so let not this oppurtunity slip out of our hands. Once again, a job well done to you all! Set our eyes on the prize....
Lighting-under last min circumstances you managed to pull it off well without any practice with the cast some more.
Props-went as well as could be. Thumbs up to the props dept.
Costumes-things went relatively well. Good job to you all.
Music-flow was perfect! mostly.
Cast-i could see you really poured your heart and soul into the characters.
All my thanks and love to those who did their job and cooperated with those in-charge. We're going to the finals now. We have this 1 final and last chance to prove ourselves. We've come this close to winning so let not this oppurtunity slip out of our hands. Once again, a job well done to you all! Set our eyes on the prize....
Thanks for all.....................................
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Special thanks to:
our beloved lecturer, mr. fakhzan
our cuttiest director, farouq
the youngest scriptwriter, stephanie
our main actress, alia
our main actor, naim
mak cik kalsom, kak mai
orked, midah
the politician, muis
mayor emma
datin ezora, eza
the crazy girl, mimi
villagers, saba and shah
city folks, asma, bali, ling and farah
atuk, zul
grand daugther, akma
ligthing crew, mus and azreen
music crew, dayah and shantini
props crew, ab and kak ain
costume crew, kak miza and suha
I love you all..............................Thank you for all of the co-operations.............................
our beloved lecturer, mr. fakhzan
our cuttiest director, farouq
the youngest scriptwriter, stephanie
our main actress, alia
our main actor, naim
mak cik kalsom, kak mai
orked, midah
the politician, muis
mayor emma
datin ezora, eza
the crazy girl, mimi
villagers, saba and shah
city folks, asma, bali, ling and farah
atuk, zul
grand daugther, akma
ligthing crew, mus and azreen
music crew, dayah and shantini
props crew, ab and kak ain
costume crew, kak miza and suha
I love you all..............................Thank you for all of the co-operations.............................
The Tenth Week
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assalamualaikum everyone.................
I know everyone feel so tired and stress every week because of the TEST 2 and DRAMA FINAL......But rememmber we have to face it as university student........Be strong and plan your work when doing something and manage your time...............
Maybe some of us feel it doesn't important......But for me I will not let my family regretted with me....It is such of big sacrifice for my mum to born me, and let me going away over the sea (Laut China Selatan) to study..............
So I will not made their sacrifice like a rubbish................
I wish I could get the best result for this Final Exam just for them.............
I know everyone feel so tired and stress every week because of the TEST 2 and DRAMA FINAL......But rememmber we have to face it as university student........Be strong and plan your work when doing something and manage your time...............
Maybe some of us feel it doesn't important......But for me I will not let my family regretted with me....It is such of big sacrifice for my mum to born me, and let me going away over the sea (Laut China Selatan) to study..............
So I will not made their sacrifice like a rubbish................
I wish I could get the best result for this Final Exam just for them.............
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good morning to my beloved lecturer mr.Fakhzan..i like him.hehe
We all call him with ''TAN SRI''Huuuu.........he somethings funniest
and always serious in his's work..he always give support to us.
we all always need your's support to go on in ours life and ours
T o all my beloved friends..who which still have yours parents
although you far away from them..i hope you always miss and
love them..always remember parents' advises before you came
UPMKB.Remember!!! you all came here also with blessings them.
Remember what have them done to grow us..give us more attention,
love and education.They also hardworking work to buy our good
clothes,buy the foodfrom child to youth..REMEMBER THAT!!
Don't ever pain parents hearts and theirs' feeling..
when they still alive..respect them
when you already have career..always visit them
makesure they in comfortable and give them money.
but remember parents' love can't buy with money
A lot friends you can find but parents you can't
find..the whole world you go comfirm you still can't
When they have gone..no surrounding us..from now
you will feel you lose 1 thing more worth in this world
no again can hear their laugh..everything!!
BECAUSE now i am in this situation..now i did not have THEM
5 Years ago go without THEM..hari RAYA coming soon
ONLY 12 DAYS..i so sad..i miss THEM so much..
Last but not least,good luck for final exam and
selamat hari raya maaf zahir and batin..
We all call him with ''TAN SRI''Huuuu.........he somethings funniest
and always serious in his's work..he always give support to us.
we all always need your's support to go on in ours life and ours
T o all my beloved friends..who which still have yours parents
although you far away from them..i hope you always miss and
love them..always remember parents' advises before you came
UPMKB.Remember!!! you all came here also with blessings them.
Remember what have them done to grow us..give us more attention,
love and education.They also hardworking work to buy our good
clothes,buy the foodfrom child to youth..REMEMBER THAT!!
Don't ever pain parents hearts and theirs' feeling..
when they still alive..respect them
when you already have career..always visit them
makesure they in comfortable and give them money.
but remember parents' love can't buy with money
A lot friends you can find but parents you can't
find..the whole world you go comfirm you still can't
When they have gone..no surrounding us..from now
you will feel you lose 1 thing more worth in this world
no again can hear their laugh..everything!!
BECAUSE now i am in this situation..now i did not have THEM
5 Years ago go without THEM..hari RAYA coming soon
ONLY 12 DAYS..i so sad..i miss THEM so much..
Last but not least,good luck for final exam and
selamat hari raya maaf zahir and batin..
Posted by
on Wednesday, September 17, 2008
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hello guys...
wah! i already done my biology test... it was really kill me...urgHH! next week chemistry test... wah! i really stress...but it`s ok.. i will try my best..
hurm... what i want to share with you this week... ermm.. oh yes! firstly i want give big thankful to zul... because for his post and what he told about me... what he said it really touch my heart... yes! it true.. me is me.. i will never be others... so please accept me as who am i..like me, i accept you guys as what you are.... for me, i accept everyone who i know as my friends.. i don`t mind what is he or she was look like, how her or his behaviour, like angel or devil, fat , thin , ugly , pretty, handsome or anything, i just accept he or she like who are they.. because everyone have their own personality... because of that sometime we happy and enjoy having them... because of that too sometime it will cheer up some moment or situation... and because of that too if they gone or not with us we will miss a lot to them.. so the moral is please grateful what you have before you losing it and feel guilty and regret for entired of your life...
wah! i already done my biology test... it was really kill me...urgHH! next week chemistry test... wah! i really stress...but it`s ok.. i will try my best..
hurm... what i want to share with you this week... ermm.. oh yes! firstly i want give big thankful to zul... because for his post and what he told about me... what he said it really touch my heart... yes! it true.. me is me.. i will never be others... so please accept me as who am i..like me, i accept you guys as what you are.... for me, i accept everyone who i know as my friends.. i don`t mind what is he or she was look like, how her or his behaviour, like angel or devil, fat , thin , ugly , pretty, handsome or anything, i just accept he or she like who are they.. because everyone have their own personality... because of that sometime we happy and enjoy having them... because of that too sometime it will cheer up some moment or situation... and because of that too if they gone or not with us we will miss a lot to them.. so the moral is please grateful what you have before you losing it and feel guilty and regret for entired of your life...
guys all i want to say is i love all of you... friends forever.. and i will never forget all of you...
sory this supposedsubmit by last week but i just saving it as a draft... sorry... hehe!
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Alhamdulillah, finally our drama make it to the final! We are in the top 5! Yay! Hahaha. Good job guys because all the effort we had made all this while is not wasted.
Well, actually this qualification is really unexpected for me because their are many tough competitor from all courses during that competition day. We are very lucky because we had choosen among the other 10 groups that make it to the final that will held on this saturday at Dewan Seri Belian. I think we really deserve this because we had did the best.. =)
So that's all I guess, bye!
Alhamdulillah, finally our drama make it to the final! We are in the top 5! Yay! Hahaha. Good job guys because all the effort we had made all this while is not wasted.
Well, actually this qualification is really unexpected for me because their are many tough competitor from all courses during that competition day. We are very lucky because we had choosen among the other 10 groups that make it to the final that will held on this saturday at Dewan Seri Belian. I think we really deserve this because we had did the best.. =)
So that's all I guess, bye!
thank you
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thank you zul, you are so nice
and it is nice to be your friend
sorry for the late post...
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sorry everyone for the late post. too busy with exams and all the activity. hmm... life goes on as usual... i think its more stress now. i started to miss my family a lot. moreover when i cannot celebrate my festival with my family last Friday. I'm really so sad and disappointed especially when i received wishes via sms from my family, relatives and 'someone special'... this coming Sunday i got prayers among my family also i cannot go because of the drama... huh... life is so cruel!!! about drama,nothing much to say because everyone know that its so amazing dkhp group 1 went to final... congrats all... thanks for the co-operation also. hope we will do the best in the final!!! we will be the top...
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So.........we meet again You know that this week we have done about 3 preview with MR. FAKHZAN and combine with group 2 at Dewan Sri Belian. WOW!!.....a lot of preview right. This is the first time we do with music, props and also light. Maybe you can guest what happens right???
We have a little bit messy. Hehehehe.......Our team got a lot of comment especially from MR. FAKHZAN. I know that he give comment because want our team to do best. I really appreciate that. So......from that's we learn it from mistake and have improve our acting, music,lighting at the second preview and also the third. All team members have give 100% cooperation to make this drama for the best................................
That's for this week...............bye...............THANK YOU,............
My comrades.... I love them, hope read it...
Posted by
on Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Comments: (4)

Assalamualaikum and konichiwa! Hehehe...
Today I want to talk about all my comrades in TEEN TITANS.
Hm... Where I should start... Yes!
Farouq, our lovely and cute director. He is passionate person. He is our greatest strength. Without him, we will never make to the final. Sometimes, he can be really clumsy and easily to loss direction eventhough he is director. When there is a stress atmosphere, he the one who reduces it with his jokes plus his cute and garfield-looked face. Hehehe... Personally and honestly, I really thankful to have him as my director.
Alya, the pretty butterfly who is our assistant director. She is very responsible person and zealous. She is our zeal catalyser. Without her, what will happen to farouq? Hehehe... Why I say that, because Alya has can make Farouq gain his concentration back as Alya is very fierce and strict. If she shouts, lion also will run away. Hehehe... But sometimes, she can be to emotional and easily to arise her tears. I love to have her in my team for sure.
Stephanie, the only youngest sister in our team, our lovely little zealous stage manager and sript writer. She is so cute and pretty like a fairy especially her eyes. For me, honestly she is very strong inside and very positive. For a little girl she is very strong eventhough she has to face a lot of critics, rejections and also she had to face the childish casts. Hihihi... I love her as my strength and my little sister.
Emma, the lovely loudspeaker, hehehe... Sorry Emma. She is my best friend of course. The one thing that we will not or once in a blue moon to see is her anger. She always smile and laugh. Our lovely mayor Emma, and the one who sponsors laptop for the drama, hehehe... Thanks Emma, love to have you as team.
Kak Mai, our lovely, cute, sweet and sometimes rock, hehehe...oldest sister. Bringing the character of mother, she is doing a very good job. Her smiles and laughter can bring us to the sky. But when she sad, everything will cloudy and gloomy. Cheer up Kak Mai! Don't always upset, I'm here as your little brother. Thanks for your love and supportive smiles, it sure lovely.
Akma, our unpredictable and hard to understand lovely friend, my grandchild. Hahaha!
Eventhough she is having her own problems but she never shows to us and she always helps us, especially me, in releasing my stress. It is fun to talk with her and her laughter is more like a medicine to us.
Kak Ain and Kak Miza, my sister also in our team. Hehehe... Eventhough they are not talk much, their silences are full of concern and love. They always there when I need. Thanks so much Kak Ain and Kak Miza.
Aby and Shidah, the strong props master ever. Eventhough they are very demure, sweet, soft and lovely, do not underestimate them. They are the strongest among us. Their hardworking are extraordinary. Even tsunami cannot shake their strength.
Mus and Hambali, silence but very reliable. Always by our side when we need them. They will do anything for sure for thier lovely team and nothing will stop them. I really respect both of you guys.
Mimi, cute and lovely jovial girl in our team. Without her, no laugh. Stress will conquer the almosphere. She is very reliable and unpredictable especially her abilities, do not ever underestimated her.
Asma and Farah, my spirit motivator. Hehehe... Always smile when anything happen. They always willling to lend their hand and spend their times for the group. No matter what will happen, they will always there. Thanks.
Muiz, the cute and naughty trouble maker in our team, hehehe. Sorry bro. He always does not confident but unpredictable especially his confident. An honest and really outspoken handsome sarawakian guy. He also very helpful and because he always helps me until now. Thanks bro.
Ezora, talkative and funny datin. Hahaha! Please do not angry with her, hehehe. She is what is she, and open your heart to accept her. Knoning her really want to make me laugh. What I do like about her, she has the same interest with me, Naruto. Hehehe! Chaiyok!
Suha and Santhini, another trouble maker but very helpful and fun to have them in our team because without them, no drama about trouble maker. Heheheh.... Sorry gurls.
Sabariah, our treasure and the person that always ask for money from me. Hahaha! She is very responsible and reliable. She also very hopeful and funny as for a ustazah like her. Hehehe. My hope for her, please do not take my money, hahahah!
Midah, the cute one. She is so superb and funny. Everything she did is funny to me. But sometimes she is too overeacting. Hahaha! But, it is kinda bored if she is not around.
At last but not least, Lingling, Dayah and Shah. Lingling, the only chinese girl and a big fan of high school musical. Hehehe. Shah, the kelantan boy who sometimes we thought that he is Italian. Hahaha! Not talking to much but reliable. Dayah, very demure girl but sometimes she is the funniestperson I ever met in this world. Eventhough they are too silence, I know who are they and I love three of them to be my comrades.
That's all for now. Thanks everybody and may we succeed in final.
Hm... Where I should start... Yes!
Farouq, our lovely and cute director. He is passionate person. He is our greatest strength. Without him, we will never make to the final. Sometimes, he can be really clumsy and easily to loss direction eventhough he is director. When there is a stress atmosphere, he the one who reduces it with his jokes plus his cute and garfield-looked face. Hehehe... Personally and honestly, I really thankful to have him as my director.
Alya, the pretty butterfly who is our assistant director. She is very responsible person and zealous. She is our zeal catalyser. Without her, what will happen to farouq? Hehehe... Why I say that, because Alya has can make Farouq gain his concentration back as Alya is very fierce and strict. If she shouts, lion also will run away. Hehehe... But sometimes, she can be to emotional and easily to arise her tears. I love to have her in my team for sure.
Stephanie, the only youngest sister in our team, our lovely little zealous stage manager and sript writer. She is so cute and pretty like a fairy especially her eyes. For me, honestly she is very strong inside and very positive. For a little girl she is very strong eventhough she has to face a lot of critics, rejections and also she had to face the childish casts. Hihihi... I love her as my strength and my little sister.
Emma, the lovely loudspeaker, hehehe... Sorry Emma. She is my best friend of course. The one thing that we will not or once in a blue moon to see is her anger. She always smile and laugh. Our lovely mayor Emma, and the one who sponsors laptop for the drama, hehehe... Thanks Emma, love to have you as team.
Kak Mai, our lovely, cute, sweet and sometimes rock, hehehe...oldest sister. Bringing the character of mother, she is doing a very good job. Her smiles and laughter can bring us to the sky. But when she sad, everything will cloudy and gloomy. Cheer up Kak Mai! Don't always upset, I'm here as your little brother. Thanks for your love and supportive smiles, it sure lovely.
Akma, our unpredictable and hard to understand lovely friend, my grandchild. Hahaha!
Eventhough she is having her own problems but she never shows to us and she always helps us, especially me, in releasing my stress. It is fun to talk with her and her laughter is more like a medicine to us.
Kak Ain and Kak Miza, my sister also in our team. Hehehe... Eventhough they are not talk much, their silences are full of concern and love. They always there when I need. Thanks so much Kak Ain and Kak Miza.
Aby and Shidah, the strong props master ever. Eventhough they are very demure, sweet, soft and lovely, do not underestimate them. They are the strongest among us. Their hardworking are extraordinary. Even tsunami cannot shake their strength.
Mus and Hambali, silence but very reliable. Always by our side when we need them. They will do anything for sure for thier lovely team and nothing will stop them. I really respect both of you guys.
Mimi, cute and lovely jovial girl in our team. Without her, no laugh. Stress will conquer the almosphere. She is very reliable and unpredictable especially her abilities, do not ever underestimated her.
Asma and Farah, my spirit motivator. Hehehe... Always smile when anything happen. They always willling to lend their hand and spend their times for the group. No matter what will happen, they will always there. Thanks.
Muiz, the cute and naughty trouble maker in our team, hehehe. Sorry bro. He always does not confident but unpredictable especially his confident. An honest and really outspoken handsome sarawakian guy. He also very helpful and because he always helps me until now. Thanks bro.
Ezora, talkative and funny datin. Hahaha! Please do not angry with her, hehehe. She is what is she, and open your heart to accept her. Knoning her really want to make me laugh. What I do like about her, she has the same interest with me, Naruto. Hehehe! Chaiyok!
Suha and Santhini, another trouble maker but very helpful and fun to have them in our team because without them, no drama about trouble maker. Heheheh.... Sorry gurls.
Sabariah, our treasure and the person that always ask for money from me. Hahaha! She is very responsible and reliable. She also very hopeful and funny as for a ustazah like her. Hehehe. My hope for her, please do not take my money, hahahah!
Midah, the cute one. She is so superb and funny. Everything she did is funny to me. But sometimes she is too overeacting. Hahaha! But, it is kinda bored if she is not around.
At last but not least, Lingling, Dayah and Shah. Lingling, the only chinese girl and a big fan of high school musical. Hehehe. Shah, the kelantan boy who sometimes we thought that he is Italian. Hahaha! Not talking to much but reliable. Dayah, very demure girl but sometimes she is the funniestperson I ever met in this world. Eventhough they are too silence, I know who are they and I love three of them to be my comrades.
That's all for now. Thanks everybody and may we succeed in final.
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win???...my God..Alhamdulillah.......(^^,)
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Isn't right guys??
So, with that what can we say......What can I say is it's the bless from Allah in the this such fasting month....We actually have to be very grateful and thankful to Allah S.W.T
because of giving us the very happy news after all our hardworks before......
Millions of thanks to our beloved lecturer, who else if not Tan Sri Fakhzan.......Hehehehe....
I can say that our winning in the preliminary, one of the factor is because of you sir....
Without all your develop yells and advices, we cannot get to go to the final.......
Meanwhile, to all the TEENTITANS members, fuhh....This is it right???
Congratulations to all of us because one of the DKHP's group could make it to the final....
We should be proud of it guys....Let's enjoy it......
And now, the most important thing is our next effort because this will not be the same as what in the previous one are....
The final is the tougher one because we have to do it without any mistakes anymore, Insya-Allah and find our strength and aura there.......
Good luck guys......(^^,)
Well Done and Good Luck !!
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FabuLouS F`ZaN
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What a great job people. Your group managed to make to the final stage for the drama festival. So, start to focus and be stronger among yourselves. Please be more cooperative and set up your strategies, find the x-factor for your perfomance and improve some of the weaknesses. Please do remember, other group will be more competitive and try to make better. Don't be distracted even threatened by them. Always believe in yourself and be well-confident. I'm sure YOU CAN BE THE CHAMPION!! ALL THE BEST!!!!!