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Champion victory!

Cong""" to all! hahahazxx

sir Fakhzan sayang u so much because without u we wouldn't make it.. especially your wonderful ideas and screaming at us to improve and spending time with us outside your job hours..thank u so much from the bottom of our hearts....chihuahua its all worth it...To group 2 if all of u did a good job and thank u for supporting us in every way.. for apiit Director of group2, thank you very much for ur motivasi for me! Most of u gave us tons of support and never ending hope in winning the competition and truly we did.. ye hahahaha

i do miss drama and everything since the drama showed us most of our friends true colour and it took most of our free time in preparing for the drama. I really miss drama and spending time
gathering with group 1.. hexhihihihi

To group 2 members, we very glad to share this happy moment with all of you. This is because we're in the same course, DKHP... so that's mean we're a FAMILY. =) This winning is for all of us. Thanks for the support during the final day. There's no more gap/parit/lonkang between group 1 and 2 after this ok! Hahahahahahahx
