Hi!I am Farah Wahidah from DKHP 08.You can called me Farah and I from K.L.First of all,I want to express my glade and proud to be in this great UPMKB.Not forgotten also very thanks to Allah because give me this great oppprtunity to be here.Ok, now lets we proceed with a little bit about the drama task that was ask by Mr.Fakhzan, our English lecturer.Our drama is mostly about cultural and custom but there is also a little bit about fairy tale.Surprisingly, I got a mother character!Am I looked old??Nah, just kidding!Hahaha I am sure this will be the great experience for me I guess.Well, I think that's all for right now.I'll tell more about me and my character later..With lots of love, I excuse myself.Bye!