tired...busy... and stress week....!!!!
hye guys! today i`m so tired and sleepy...because i did not get enough sleep..my eyes migt turn like panda`s eyes huhu! i`m so upset in this week, because this week our chemistry physic result was out... i`m so upset because i failed...and the result was very bad and so worse...i have try my best but i still failed...i very jealous to my friend...because most of them were passed in that test.. i feel so stupid among them...how i can`t answered the easy question!!! argh!!! i`m really strees!!! huh! once i failed did not mean li will failed forever... i will try my best...i promise to my mom i`ll study hard study smart..i will not make her dispointed to me again..if others can do so do me! go eyza! GO EYZA! YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN OTHER! BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!!! YES!yesterday all of us work together at workshop to make a props..although most of us have tired but all of them give their good commitment..well done my friends...then last night we have replacement bbi class.. i really enjoy in that class...because although all of we tired but they did not show their tired face..after that Mr. fakhzan also different than the other day.. he look so happy last nigt.. i never seen he laugh like that before this... he like to tease my group such as compared my group with group 2... it really funny and happening! huhu!!! i really have a great day yesterday...
oopppS!!! look like time has been jealous to me...it time me to go know bacause after this i have work to do..so many thing i must do today...i really exhausted! ok then guys see you next week! bubye... ( '',)
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