drama festival...??!!!

hello and good morning to all...
On monday we had our photoshoot... hahahaha all act like a diva especially farouq..It was fun to make up the cast especially the guys because i have never make up any guys before but they look kinda funny..The photoshoot went on smoothly as sir and bakri gave some pointers and helped us out.. HAHAHA..bakri called me 'kak alia' which i find funny as im not that old but he was sweet though helping us...

Today, i and farouq went for the drama meeting and we had to pick a number for the drama and we got number 10 which is the last team but nevertheless we will still make the best as the saying goes 'save the best for last' hahahaha...we also had our practice at dsb it was okay but we still need to brush up some parts here and there.. and i can feel most of us are stressed as our test 2 is just around the corner as well as our drama festival and this is our first time fasting here far from our family but i know all of us will manage...
So i hope we will do our best for drama and make sir proud...