THE FASTING MONTH.....................................

Assalamualaikum.....and very good morning to all of you. On Sunday our team have take a few picture for the actor only to do the pamphlet. They wearing the cloths that look likes what they will wear at the festival. They look like real actor. This our team also get the shirt that we booking last 2 week. WOW!!!..... this shirt look nice you know that. Thanks to Eza that designed it. I took that shirt on Tuesday before we have practice.I can look they smiley after get shirt. I know that they satisfied with that Eza design. At night we move props from Bengkel Kayu to Dewan Sri Belian. Even we fasting but we do all work and practice in good condition. I would like to THANKS to MR. FAKHZAN because he help our team.
Before I pen off, I want to HAPPY FASTING MONTH to all.