this raya, I can go back...It was a last minute decision......It was my ibu who ask me to go back this raya....
Before she cry, I better follow her order because she keep asking me to go back......
However, I also want to go back actually but because of the not enough money, I stop my intention to go back...
But, out of the blue, my sister told me that she want to sponsor my ticket go and back.....
That was a very happy news for me.......
And now, we move on to our drama......Its September 10 already....Just left in about less than 3 days for our preliminary.....I think we are 90% ready by now.....Just need to polish on the certain part that we are quite weak........As what sir has told us that we do have the chance to make it to the final......
So, don't miss that opportunity my friends........
Actually, to be honest, I also think the same with sir because I do believe in our production team based on what we have gone through before....We are working so hard, together we are doing all that tasks, gaining a lot of new experiences here......It will be a tough things for me to forget guys.....
With the bless of Allah S.W.T. , we pray together for our success in the preliminary soon........
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