tHe SHoCk WeEk!!!
hello guys...! what's up! what's up! huhu! wow! today i already finish my titas test...wow... it little bit hard for me...because the question make me confuse to answer it...i think very hard..until i feel my head like want to blow up! huhu! i hope i can get best result for this subject...
last saturday i have my bbi test..in the same day i got a phone call from my lovely mom.. do you know what i got is? i have been told by mom that my grandny have passed away..i really shock when i knew it..i never thought that i will get that bad news...i want go back but i can`t... although i know i`ll got a flight to go back home, but i know i can't meet my grandny anymore...because it too late.. i feel so sad...because i never live with her even since i was a baby...only sometimes i meet her...i miss her so much.. i wish Allah will bless her...
although i got that bad news but i can not fall down or always be sad... life must be go on.. what is happened just leave it in behind... like mr. fakhzan always said " LIFE NO MERCY "".. i must be a strong girl.. i must face whatever happen into my life and accept it...
oh my god! the drama festival for the semi final just only 3 days more.. i really nervous.. i must give my best and good commitment in this drama..i will try my best because i want go to the final... i want prove it that my course is the best and we can make it! go! GO! GANBATTE ALL DKHP GROUP!!! huhu! i want this drama compitition be the best memory for us and mr. fakhzan that will never forgetten... baecause next sem we will never with him anymore... oh.. how fast is the time go.. i feel like it still new... ok guys i have something important to do.. take care and wish our group luck in this compitition and before i leave al-fathihah for my beloved grandny... thank you a lot guys...
( ' ',)
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