Salam..Hello..hei hei..

Like common we got meeting on tuesday,last tuesday we discuss about our Tshirt production..

Yesterday we dicide change our drama story..we think we get risky if we use fairy story..The probabily go to final is less,so we start all again..we also have done sreen test and something happen in my sreen test make all of my friend laugh..hahahaha..when I think again it so funny..hehe

whatever I think it can be my sweet memory in this semester..

Director,assistance director and scripwriter is work hard to produce the new drama..
kolej will do Uniputra Sport carnival on 17-23 august will be fun..I love it and I miss sport carnival..
Okey I think0 that all for this very short..heehee..
SALAM...see you next week..daa..