I can do It!!! I can do It ...
Some poeple feeling that I can't do my work.Althought I'm not talketive in my group or class but I can do my work!! my responsiblelities.Truely ... I had some of heart broken last day with my friend (maybe in group one).I'M SO HOT WITH THEM!! but I'm forgave them,because I know no one perfect.Just forget about it!!
OK ...
Last day I attend my discussion group one, about props at PUSAT ISLAM.I'm arrive not too late because Shida want me to see Puan Marlina and she also want me to go to HEP to discuss about some thing about props.
At PUSAT ISLAM,the actors have their meditation to feel their own character and the others department do their own discussion.I know everyone tied but I look they very strong to do THE BEST.I'm proud with them!! and thanks a lot to SIR FAKHZAN.He always gave support to group one,althought he likes group two more than group one but I know their mean.Maybe he wants group one do THE BEST and more work hard,because not easy to be THE BEST.WRIGHT my friend??? .....
To all my friend in group one,DO THE BEST OK!!!!! INSYAALLAH ... We are THE BEST.